detector gadgets

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New Member
When needing to find joists or timber studs for overboarding do you use:

A) A gadget that beeps at you?
B) A hammer / your boot or some other destructive method?

If your answer is A), how reliable/accurate do you find em? any recommendations?
If your answer is B), if you suspect that there may be asbestos in the ceiling, how do you get around this using the hammer technique? Mask? Hold yer breath? Fk it?
ive got a joist finder, a 6 inch nail. if youre concerned about asbestos when finding the joists, your not going to screw the ceiling up anyway are you
Bang a hole either side then pull away so you can see the middle of the joist and ping you're line from there keep it 8" away from the wall so when you fix it it won't pull on too much
ive got a joist finder, a 6 inch nail. if youre concerned about asbestos when finding the joists, your not going to screw the ceiling up anyway are you

no mate, if i was concerned about asbestos I would neither screw into it nor bang a nail in, so what do you do in that case... walk away, ask for a test to be done to confirm, do nothing unless the ceiling is removed first? thats what im asking.
i'd like to die from an asbestos riddled ceiling falling on my head because i'd rattled it about too much whilst trying to find the joists
no mate - its just a question, i was wondering if there was any benefit in buying a joist finder... then got thinking about artex ceilings with asbestos in em, and how you would find joists to overboard without creating dust.. you chaps must come across it when overboarding old artex so was thinking how you do it
you worry too much... stick a screw in, youve probably inhaled more asbestos opening the loft hatch getting the christmas tree decorations down...
You cant plaster without creating some dust.... jesus dust sheets are called that for one good reason.... they hold a rake load of dust
What the feck do you thinks in old lime ceilings not just sand lime and horse hair other little nasty things.
right -- thanks -- that looks just the ticket beddy - aint too pricey neither..

back to the question - if you go to a job, suspect an asbestos artex ceiling, do you overboard (wearing mask) and skim. Or do you walk away from it...? I mean are there any building regs that say you shouldnt overboard n skim... Im guessing not, but just interested in what you chaps think.
no mate, if you've smoked 100 fags you might aswell just smoke another 100 and leave this life alot sooner than originally planned
I used to have a respirator/firemans mask type of thing - but that's a story for another thread:RpS_sneaky:
as said knock an old screw driver in the ceiling find your first joist measure off find next one & so on same on other side of ceiling chalk line job done :RpS_thumbup: stud finders doe work but are crap if they pick up electricity you get nothing but false beeps :confused:
further to the 'stud finder' argument...
even these posh 'bosch' pipe/cable/stud finders with the little crosshairs to show you exactly where to drill dont f'ckin work proper...
i watched a sky dish installer fire a 10mm sds right through a water pipe last year, put his mark smack in the middle of the crosshairs..
waste of time, best way for owt like that is just be careful and dont be gung-ho with the drill innit...
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