Definition of a builder[the crying game]

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I was always under the impression that a builder was the main contractor and the guy who brought in the different trades, he was also the guy who has the money to start the job ,and pay the trades regardless to him being paid by the client. Well ,stopped off at a garage to get a cup of coffee last week ,it was early 630am so had plenty of time before heading to the job. A guy rolls up in a landcruiser and asks could i get him a plasterer , i said when , he said now , anyway in the heel of the hunt i talked about money and put the other job off till the following morning,we went and did what he needed doing. He then asked me to do another job in a hurry ,I agreed and it was done a couple of days later.Now this guy cried about been owed money ,fom the minute I met him till I got my money , he couldnt pay me for two weeks because the client hadnt paid him . a COMPLETE IDOT. lots of work on and no money.It seems this is becoming an all too familiar situation in Dublin ." The crying game"
Thats why he didnt have a plasterer mate, cos all the ones he knows are sick of the kunt pulling the same stunt on them.

Builders are the lowest form of scum on this planet and any other planet out there.
Thats the norm now spreads , they dont pay till they get paid I have done a few jobs and had to hunt the money for months,one lad who was avoiding me got a shock outside tallaght hospital one friday I called and he did not answer, you want till of seen him when i opened the door of his jeep
Thats the norm now spreads , they dont pay till they get paid I have done a few jobs and had to hunt the money for months,one lad who was avoiding me got a shock outside tallaght hospital one friday I called and he did not answer, you want till of seen him when i opened the door of his jeep

Bad enough doing work cheaper without having to hunt the fcuker down for your money ,id say yer man shat himself when you caught him off guard, nice one
Anybody who is looking for a plasterer at 6.30am at a garage is definately one to spare wide of...(in my humble opinion). I wonder if this guy goes there regular, because he has a rep for paying late,or not at all.LETS ALL BE SENSIBLE OUT THERE. some people are always lookig for a mug.
Hey SPREADS............. I think he just called you a mug:-0

You're NOT having that are you?????????

i get it off plastering firms makes you want to ask for a bit of profit at the end of the year
Now now bubbles ,im sure the broonster is only making his point.Sometimes youve gotta give someone the benifit of the doubt.I got paid as I always do ,plus i fist fcuked him because he was stuck bad,so I didnt mind too much having to wait on the money.Thats why the fcuker was crying when i told him what he owed me.As for mugs ,yes theres plenty out there you just have to find them.
Now now bubbles ,im sure the broonster is only making his point.Sometimes youve gotta give someone the benifit of the doubt.I got paid as I always do ,plus i fist fcuked him because he was stuck bad,so I didnt mind too much having to wait on the money.Thats why the fcuker was crying when i told him what he owed me.As for mugs ,yes theres plenty out there you just have to find them.

yo spreads not calling you a mug as you said i'm making a point!!!!
so you got paid but had to wait 2 weeks for it,
if you cant afford to wait 2 weeks for money then you must be skint and charging too little. Do you pay all you're bills straight away using you're own savings? I think that builder sounded ok. he paid you what you wanted in 2 weeks and it sounds like the minute he got the money you got yours.
Time to Wake up brother, The building game has never been full of payers the minute you finish.
What if he paid you and something went wrong (its possible) where would he be then?
Overdraft have one ,use my money to fund some muppet builders job ,no way ,thats his gig, thats why he gets the big profits. So spunky if you want to use your savings to get a days pay ,go for it.As i said theres pleny of mugs out there.
you got paid..and in 2 weeks.. so what money did you use for those 2 weeks.........your overdraft or previous savings!
you got paid..and in 2 weeks.. so what money did you use for those 2 weeks.........your overdraft or previous savings!

Maybe if you would have worked for this assh0le ,you might have an idea where im coming from ,no scaffold ,no materials , telling me he would pay me then coming up with a bullshit story, ceiling slabbed inside but no cover on the roof ,rain pissing in on new plastered ceiling and walls ,you see its not just about money , its about "builders" or wanna be builders , 2 weeks not getting paid doesnt bother me ,but dont bullshit me with the,"im waiting for money to be transferred into my account" I had to meet the f**k*r at the bank because they wouldnt cash his cheque, wasnt lodging it because i knew he was a messer with they way his jobs were going ,thats all im saying,regarding my overdraft ,thats good ,lets just say,im not stuck.
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