dearest plaster in britain???

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New Member
just came back from a week in scotland-while i was there i patched a wall up for my aunt-1 bag of bonding and 1 multi=£17 -is this the dearest gear in the country?
this was from a well known merchant by the way(starts with key and ends in line)
to be honest i didnt look at the receipt-i didnt pay for it-my uncles reasoning was "well theyve gotta get it here"-here being lochgilphead in argyll-i dont reckon we were overcharged though
if you do not have an account with travis's or jewsons they are every bit as expenses
Don't use them now walked in for two bags multy had a tenner in my sky rocket guess what it wasn't enough
mistersmooth said:
to be honest i didnt look at the receipt-i didnt pay for it-my uncles reasoning was "well theyve gotta get it here"-here being lochgilphead in argyll-i dont reckon we were overcharged though

F*ck me that get a good score in scrabble :)
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