Danny whats the crack??

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just spammers mate.....

it will be software that goes out posting it up....

Not much we can do just hit the report post and I will delete it as quick as I can :-)
details are as safe as any other forum... I have not had a net connection since i moved so you have seen more because I havent managed to delete them quickly :-)
yeah the mods can delete them and when they get deleted the poster gets banned as well :-)

Its just because I spend most of my day on the site I jump on them a lot more :-)

Its going to get a bit frantic when I start my cycle ride as I just wont have time to do it :-(
I'm sure we will live Danny. Don't worry about s**t like this just get on with your ride and raising money for a good cause.
danny cant the mods delete them?
only reason they bother me is because i get emails from here to say that someone has replied to a thread i have posted on and sometime they post on an old threads

We do have a life outside the forum
Well mabye it's time you gave up your life outside the forum and stop all these nasty Autobots from annoyin nps, you mods are just being selfish:RpS_lol::RpS_lol::RpS_thumbsup:
danny cant the mods delete them?
only reason they bother me is because i get emails from here to say that someone has replied to a thread i have posted on and sometime they post on an old threads

How do you think all the other members feel when they see someone has posted on one of there threads and its you talkin shite trying to get your post count up?
NPS you was moaning the other week that you wasn't getting any emails when someone posted on a thread that you where posting on.. Now your moaning about getting emails lmao :RpS_laugh:
obviously you knew i was talking about you!!!

how do you think we all feel when you post anything??

LOL, we..................they are not your real friends hahahahahaha you dont know what goes on behind the scenes of this forum, the autobots or whatever you call them get banned, some threads get deleted, some get removed and some get edited. If i could be really arsed the ones that dont make any sense and contribute **** all would be deleted which would only put you on a handfull of posts and well off the members section. I never realised you were on about me but if you think i only delete stuff I dont agree with your wrong coz there would be no pub, coz im a muslim.
LOL, we..................they are not your real friends hahahahahaha you dont know what goes on behind the scenes of this forum, the autobots or whatever you call them get banned, some threads get deleted, some get removed and some get edited. If i could be really arsed the ones that dont make any sense and contribute **** all would be deleted which would only put you on a handfull of posts and well off the members section. I never realised you were on about me but if you think i only delete stuff I dont agree with your wrong coz there would be no pub, coz im a muslim.

feel the power!! bet your a proper bitch at work :RpS_lol:.
come on :-)

Honestly you would not beleive the emails I receive... some are nice some are death threats...

Sod that s**t Danny, dont envy you, death threats ??? Feck that! From who? Oh sorry you can't say,let's just call them arseholes eh?
the mods have a hard job here even I am left scratching my head... they deserve more than what lot of members give them... lots of stuff goes on behind the scenes and more posts than you would imagine cause troubles....

Yep I have got a few nasty emails over the years... I am quite thick skinned and not worried by what people threaten to do... I have been through more than most will so some little jumped up keyboard nazi doesnt worry me.


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