Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

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the real danny.....


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This is how Danny travels. 'Look Jane, this is how I used to carry 8x4 plasterboard on site....I've still got it see'
'Ohh my hero, s**t, look Danny there's trouble ahead'
'Never fear Jane, I'll fight 1000 warriors for you'
'It's not 1000 warriors ahead its worse, its @gps and @flynnyman and there're discussing politics'
'WTF....by the power of the TPF carpet about turn and double speed'
Some say Danny likes cheesey bell end flakes for breakfast and can 5 in the pink and 6 in the stink with one hand o_O
Some say Danny elongated neck allows him to give himself oral pleasure whilst successfully juggling 5 pineapples at the same time