damp proof injection

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just wondering if there are any sort of courses or training schemes out there for damp proof injection. I ve recently started doing some contract work for the local council and theres quite a lot of damp jobs comin up, if anyone could help it would be much appreciated because i cant find anythin anywhere. Cheers
i was looking in2 this and a lad i use to ;Ddo damp proofing for me says u dont need to be registerd to do it or be trained

the only thing u need is a licence to use certain chemicals that they use to inject with wich is hard to get aparently

but u can hire the injectin kits with chems from speedy hire and places like tht

as long as you write a proper garuntee for the job there wont be much problem

but alot of the gel chemicals u dont need to be licinced to use ;D
im surprised your gettin damp jobs off the council without bein a registered dpc installer?
Im under the impression that a dpc injection actually REQUIRES you to give an insurance backed guarantee, or at least it does if your gonna be a damp proofer?
thats not to say you cant do it, its just im surprised the council gave you the contract without you bein able to show them a) experience and b) certification...
anyway, most chemical suppliers do training courses...
do a search for triton or sovereign chemicals and navigate to damp proofing sections and look up certification and training..
btw... all the chemical companies will do is guarantee the chemical PROVIDED its been installed correctly which usually requires certification from them hence a training course... a 30 year insurance backed guarantee is supplied by you, the 'damp proofing company' in your name in association with an insurance company (who will also need accreditation / certification / registration) before theyll touch you...
prolly too much info there...
bigsegs I may be wrong but I read it as though he's getting a few damp jobs from the council as a plasterer not to actually sort the problem out.
o, well i suppose yes, it may be, however...
most chemical companies require the remedial works to be carried out using their chemicals or they wont guarantee the injection... take the thread from the other day where the guy had a 'property maintenance' company on behalf of his landlord and he still had salts coming through afterwards, if it had been done using the correct chemicals in the mix then that wouldnt have happened...
hence the training courses...
still surprising to me that the council are takin on plasterers and stickin on remedial damp jobs without seeing any quals or certs...
maybe a c.v detailing damp proof experience would be enough, but if you stick an inexperienced plasterer in that situation and he just goes and bonds up the wall and skims it its all gonna go pear shaped... im surprised the council isnt away of that.. unless maybe when they issue the spec for the job they supply the additives and a method statement??
Hello Mate
Looking into branching into this myself and done alot of research, its actually quite straight forward what you need to do is find in your area where sovereign or I would imagine any other damp proof supplier sell and supply there kit, they will then put you in touch with a guy that is responsible for that area and in a nutshell as long as you use there products and allow the guy to inspect your work they will issue you with a 30 year quarantee on the work carried out, whats a good idea is to try and get some experience with a damp proof company, last company I spent time with they had 1 guy doing the hacking off and injections then a different guy came the next day or so and applied all the special render then a third guy to do all the skimming. Hope this helps.
im surprised your gettin damp jobs off the council without bein a registered dpc installer?
Im under the impression that a dpc injection actually REQUIRES you to give an insurance backed guarantee, or at least it does if your gonna be a damp proofer?
thats not to say you cant do it, its just im surprised the council gave you the contract without you bein able to show them a) experience and b) certification...
anyway, most chemical suppliers do training courses...
do a search for triton or sovereign chemicals and navigate to damp proofing sections and look up certification and training..
btw... all the chemical companies will do is guarantee the chemical PROVIDED its been installed correctly which usually requires certification from them hence a training course... a 30 year insurance backed guarantee is supplied by you, the 'damp proofing company' in your name in association with an insurance company (who will also need accreditation / certification / registration) before theyll touch you...
prolly too much info there...
all im doin for the council is the floating and skimming, ive been thinking of doing a course in damp injection cos the chap who deals with sortin out the council houses in the area says it will open a lot of doors for me if i could do it. tbh i was talkin to a mate whos a spark with council and he says he'll be out of a job in 2 years cos the council are contracting all the work out, so if i can get a good name for meself now with them, i should have quite a bit of work off them in the near future.
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