damp job

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New Member
just starting a damp job 2 day..my first one on me own...

the walls ent that bad but have bubbled where there has been alot of warter in them from last years floods..

my plan is 2 sti back 1 meter high
thero seal gray
then theroseal white
then water proof s&c scrack coat
then top coat of bonding (as i dnt use s&c much)
then skim....

should this be ok..?
here isa few photos to show y how im gettin on...

day 1 was 2 take off all rads hack off walls and pva then throseal 1st coat..

damp job

damp job

damp job
Hello Mate
Just a quick question will you be skimming the whole wall or just up to the level you cut off and blend in, cheers
just looked at that last photo and thought...'who needs a kango when you got oasis and a diggin spade' nice one... :D
lol....i wil be skiming the holw wall...this is the 3rd time iv done a damp job 1st one on me own!
im 21 aqnd just went on me own a few weeks ago but i no alot of builders that can give me work if i dnt find it..so its goin ok.
and in that last photo u can see were iv cut threw the cable with the grinder! all sorted now..live and learn!
aww bugger...that is so disheartening when that happens...luckily you got a tame sparky eh?? ;)
i dont usually use the grinder for those jobs, 1 cos of all the dust, it gets absolutely everywhere...even in the bleedin kettle...and 2..i dont need to, striaghtish line with the kango and the whole wall gets skimmed anyway..
good luck with it mate.. :)
thanks all seems ok at the mo .,..just put water proof samd and cement on 2 day..left a lil heater in the room to help dry the place out since im painting it 2.
how did the render suck on that theroseal stuff mate? not used it before but it looks a lot like tanking, and in my experience rendering over tanking can be a pain cos it doesnt want to suck at all..
it dint stick 2 good..spent a good 2 hours just doin the scrach coat..its o.t.t tanking..cuz i had 2 give her a garentee of some sort to take the job on..some im taking no chances.used half a tub of water proofer on that small scrach coat.
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