damp course

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i got a damp course job to price up tomoro, heard alot of you guys say that once the wall is injected, you would tank the wall before applying the scratch coat. what material do i tank with? is this bitchman? ???
wouldn't tank..... get damp issue sorted.... hack old plaster off upto 1 meter or 300mm above last effected area.... leave plaster off the wall as long as poss and allow the wall to breath.... it takes 25mm of effected brick 1 month in ideal conditions to dry....... then i'd use thistle dri coat.... its cement based with waterproofer in it... or you can make your own with s&c with a mug of waterproofing adative....... then leave 24hrs and finish with board finish .... job done ;D ;D ;D............... i'm not a pro but this is what i would and have done and its done a diamond job...... things to bare in mind though if you do it... then the damp companys guarantee is worthless... therefore if it goes pear your fooked!.... although usually the damp companys guarantee is worth jack anyway.... good luck buddy hope it helps..... ;D ;D ;D
If you're using S&C you need to put a salt retarder in the mix or the wall will be fecked within months as the plaster will draw Hydroscopic salts and turn white. Most dpc companies will have they're own salt retarder. S&C is a pain in the arse use Limelite or Dri coat if you can get them they're pricey but easier to use and set much quicker. As before mentioned go with damp proof companys spec as they're guaranteing it and paying you. Leave backing coat at least 24 hours before finish or it will crack as backing coat will shrink.
It's a membrane they have above and below ground systems take a look www.newton-membranes.co.uk they have some interesting systems. I've converted several basements and used to use 3 coats of bitumen sanded between coats for a key and then standard render with waterproofer incorporated, and then tried newton 500 in the basement and newlath 2000 on the 1st floor. Clean, no chemicals and seemed to do the trick.
Iv got a similar job coming up , to do it to damproofing spec is to hack off bout metre over the damp , then the wall injected,then 2 coats of 10ml render 3 sharp sand 1 cement and special waterproofer supplied by dampproofing agencey.let set between both coats .
Wont come through sand and cement , just gypsum .Various inhibitors , i normally sbr slurry , but as i say others available .
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