damaged walls

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New Member
Hi all,
i went to look at a job today due to a leaking roof to a old house , any way to cut a long story short the chimney breast had suffered the most damage but also a wall on the top floor landing where there was excessive salt on the bricks .
What would you suggest to do next please before i bond and skim or board and skim ?
many thanks
if the problems sorted id hack the damaged bits off and redo it........were the salts on the wall on the landing showing through before the leak ?
Hi Spunky,
The walls have already been chipped back to the bricks and that is what the salts on.
How do i remove the salt off the bricks ? Is it just wiping off with a cloth or is there a treatment the bricks need in order to stop the salt forming?
Also is salt on the bricks showing the signs that all is pretty much dry ?

Many thanks
its the moisture in the course of the brick evaporating and youre left with the salts ( i think) if youve got salts on the brick i'd give it a couple of coats of sbr slurry and waterproofed render backing before you skim it
Salt Neutraliser should do the trick used it alot and never had any come-backs, you need to be careful with it thou as its very toxic so need to ventilate the room fully
Normaly the salts will brush of or use spirits of salts with care it is hydrocloric acid but realy the problem is occuring outside on the chimney and ned s sorting.
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