damaged flaky paint

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hi,lads,just been wallpaper stripping & when i was finally getting the woodchip off,i also noticed the paint underneath was going all rubbery & scraping off easily & it became well flaky in parts. it's all dried now & ready for a reskim. it looks like theres a few layers of paint on,parts sound & parts flaky. i was gonna wba the whole room but i'm worried bout the paint blowing in places? whats the best i can do,just scrape all the crap off,pva & attack & fingers crossed it doesn't blow? cheers
sounds like the wall didnt get a mist coat but steam can do funny things to paint..
you should be ok with wba mate long as you got the loose off..
failing that those 4" heavy duty scrapers are fantastic for scraping paint off.. if you get one, spin the bade round cos its like a stanley blade on the other edge and itll take yer paint off in no time..
Yeah as bigsegs said just give it a good scrape then if you think its not to bad "bond it" or pva the sucker then skim :)

surely you don't need to use wba?.................... old wall scraped = tons of suction.... pva and multi all the way....... nice ;)
I have never used wba,and at the price it is i see no reason to change. pva will be fine!!
if your in any doubt a quick blast with the electric sander with some 40 grit paper will do the trick.
remove all dust though before pva and skimming.
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