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New Member
right i started a job on monday for a woman a friend had recomended me to her.
Got there monday morning and 8.40 10mins late, so she was naging about me been late.
Then i started scrapping the artex back int the kitchen, went to put a angle bead on round the window when bang went straight through a power cable, shot me straight off my hop up, all power had gone in the house. s**t!!! customer come through and i was like ive just gone through your power lead. Rang up a electrian to come and have a look at what id done, he walked in and asked the client who put the cable in, it was her father, so sparky says its ilegal were it was. it wont even chiseled into the wall right on the the reveal. He starts taking the render off the wall to find it had been taped and chockabalocked together.
he sorts all this out the the client asks if i would take all the render off the rest of the walls and re-board it, i thought brill extra work so cracked doing that, they gave me 65pound extra to cover the mats, then was going to sort out the rest when i had finished.
Any way that was monday, tuesday got it all boarded and skimed the ceiling and two walls, had another job booked in wednesday and thursday so went back to day to finish off the the other walls, and they asked if i wanted to do the ceiling in the living room, so did that then at 2 when i was just finishing off he comes in going on about the sparkys bill wanting me to pay for it, im like hang on a minute im not paying that so after having a bit of a debate he pays me. 300pound i was like wheres the rest, i quoted 300 for just the re-skim not to hack off all the old render and reboard and with all the extras as well, i said it will be 550. he has point blanked refused to pay the extra and is still expecting me to pay the sparky
Thats why u cant do overboard ceilings for peanuts.These things happen pal.Well they do to me !!!!
You went through the cable your problem.
Personally i wouldnt pay u a penny till it was sorted out and electrician payed for by yourself.
Get liability insurance for these things,another day it could of been a gas pipe or water pipe and the stop top seized up cusing mass damage etc etc.
This is why plastering is a business , sometimes stuff happens ,unfortunately you cant quote things like , gas safe or nic approved so until then we are a monkey learn in a week trade best of luck .
Tell 'em your suing them for shock, first time when you went through cable and seconfd time when you expected them to pay 250 extra without getiing agreement up front.
bubbles65 said:
Tell 'em your suing them for shock, first time when you went through cable and seconfd time when you expected them to pay 250 extra without getiing agreement up front.
thats good advice. Theyd s**t when they hear your suing them for an illegally place cable.
Bruce Willis said:
bubbles65 said:
Tell 'em your suing them for shock, first time when you went through cable and seconfd time when you expected them to pay 250 extra without getiing agreement up front.
thats good advice. Theyd (german word) when they hear your suing them for an illegally place cable.
Yep i agree,ask for her home insurance details and tell her you hope the claim doesn't effect her premium too much.
oh and in future as already said make sure you have Public Liability insurance.
tex it all said:
any damage is down to us,try to get insurance with a small excess otherwise you could be paying £250 on a £400 claim
In this case the damage is not down to him as the cable was illigally installed by the clients Father.
its one of them though. yes its your fault for putting the nail in, but it shouldnt have been there. but they can just say you should always check before. but how do you check?
sorry mate i think you,ll find it makes no differance ,as far as there concerned they had electric he whacked a nail in it then they didnt :o if it had been installed by a spark the nail still would have gone in,so dont fanny about and put it down to experiance ,get more work of them and get the money back like that :-\
If thats the case then he should counter claim against the Father for electric shock. He'll get more money than they will and the satifaction would be great to get back at them.
unfortunately they can just say, we didnt put the cable there. its always been there as far as we know
well the spark has already said it wasnt my fault, 1 cause it wasnt put in by a sparky and 2 cause it ran horizontal across the window when your only allowed to do that upto 2inches below the window(sparkys words)
i have public liability and employers liability insurance, i wasnt to bothered about that but when a qualified person says it not my fault why should i make a claim?
The main thing that p155ed me off was the fact that they leave it all week and only decide to sayy something when the job is done so its like they go me over a barrel were i either dont get paid or sort something out with the hole mess
Smash all your work up and there fuse box! That will show them your serious, then ask nicely for your money!
Can't see how it's your fault. If you'd have been killed then they would have been prosicuted. The fact that you didn't should not mean that they should get away with installing these cables. It is the home owners responsibility ensure that you the tradesperson are not going to be working in an unsafe environment. Get hold of sparks and get him to write down that it's not your fault. Contact cab and see where you stand. On public liability, you should not make a claim because you'll be admitting liability. Surely they can claim for the electricians bill on there house hold insurance.
look into the regs where sparks wires should be and pay the sparky to put it right but did it blow something? or is him just fixing a hole in the wire?..........if he fixes it and puts it in another place its not youre fault if hes doing a proper job take photos of everything mate the customer sounds a right preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good luck
yeah, if i turned up 10mins late and they started moaning i'd get back in the van.
Forget it a lesson learnt you should of sorted a price out for the extras and get payed for what you originally priced for first before doin any extras, take it on the chin sounds like your dealin with tossers.
he's asking for the sparky bill not he rendering bill flynny ........unless he did the rendering for free hes a proper cnuntibollox
Should of sorted your own spark or fitted a block to the wire coz they didnt give a f**k, sounds like they had intentions to rip you off in the first place.
thats all they wanted a quick cheap job, i really cant be arsed with all the legal crap the extra work im not bothered about that, its the fact that they expect me to pay for the sparky. And telling me that they have spoke to someone in the building trade and that it is my fault and i should check for wires before i start, fair one i guess that part is my fault but in the 6yrs of me doing this ive never once come across a wire running above a window
ollie said:
thats all they wanted a quick cheap job, i really cant be arsed with all the legal crap the extra work im not bothered about that, its the fact that they expect me to pay for the sparky. And telling me that they have spoke to someone in the building trade and that it is my fault and i should check for wires before i start, fair one i guess that part is my fault but in the 6yrs of me doing this ive never once come across a wire running above a window

Fair enough the wire was in the wrong place and the fact the father inlaw done it makes no odds it could of been there in the first place. It is your fault coz you done it just really unlucky it was where it was and also lucky you didnt electrocute yourself. Did you get payed for the living room ceiling and what is the sparkys bill?
nope i got the 300 that was ment for just the reskim, they havent had the bill yet but the sparky told me it would be about 150
take it off the walls clean up and walk away ...some plasterers i know hate staple guns (weirdos) and fire nails into reveals its a fixing isnt it ? there trying it on mate gutted for you ......set fire to their car or something ;D

and flynny stop being a goody goody cock no sparky runs wires where fixings should go whos side are you on anyway apart from youre own you fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant
ollie said:
nope i got the 300 that was ment for just the reskim, they havent had the bill yet but the sparky told me it would be about 150

Did you give them the bill for the ceiling?

Your right spunky a spark wouldnt of run the wire there but someone did, its happened so rather than say rip all the plaster off which aint gonna happen im trying to be positive and if you give me any more abuse im tellin danny on you.
if its cash youll struggle mate apart from taking it off the walls..........if its legit get involved i doubt youre in the wrong ;)
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