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New Member
Did a 2 week course last year and had a great time away, even learnt some basic plastering skills!
With that basic knowledge i've managed to successfully board/skim a few ceilings, stuck in some velux windows and made good, and done a load of exterior rendering work. I'm going back in a fortnight to do a 6 week ICA course at the same place down in Yeovil.
It's occured to me that I still might find it hard to get jobs on completion onf the ICA. Does anyone know if it's a CSCS recognised qualification and will i get a card on the strength of that and the experience i've had over the last year?
Anyway cheers for all the tips lads good site this ;)
Your ICA will allow you to get your CSCS card but you will only be classed as a trainee and it will need to be updated within 12 months.
right mate does that mean i've got to be assessed on site/ jobs i've done, before they give me a card, or will i need to do a day release or another course within that 12 months I wonder?
Ta for your help, should have established all this before booking really!!
a did a cscs test and passed they give me a certificate and told me to ring the cscs number to get my card a thought that was all you had to do ?
They will issue you with a card but instead of the 3 year expiry date it will only last for 12 months, they will renew the card providing you are registered for a NVQ 2 or similar.

On the back of the CSCS card it states what trade/trainee/management or even regular visitor to construction sites, and the theory is that if your card says you are a plasterer that is all you are allowed to do on site.
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