did a wall today where the customer had taken wallpaper off but as they had pulled wallpaper off the skim had come off too back to the render . i went down yesterday and gi it a good covering in pva which soaked straight in ( to be expected ) give it another coat this morning which dried straight away .. then i give it another covering of pva just b4 i put my mix on then started to skim the wall got both me coats on ... everything going fine but as it started to dry a small area of the wall just went like crazy paving , cracks everywhere ... has this happened to any of you guys b4 and wot should i do if i come across walls like this again ( thought maybe a coat of bonding ??? or wba ???? wot u think
Yes lad seen this happen there still to much drying was this a large bit that had came off the wall prob need to nearly hose that bit with water,did it turn out ok ?should be grand when painted
it wasn,t to big an area but did,nt see anything on the render to alarm me the whole wall was about the same . but only 1 section went bad ... i just kept slinging water at it and smoothing i.think(hope) ive got away wi it .. of f back tmrw to check . if its gone real bad ill just have to reskim the whole wall again (10ft by 7ft)
what pva ratios were you using mate? .......sounds like a really sucky sucky wall ......and yes it does happen i did a large job reskimming old limey walls and watered down my bondit too much .........i spent a good day rolling it on and had to redo the rest after a day skimming, after that was sorted i ended up giving the rest a 2/1 water/pva and then neat gypbond on top
old s/c will suck the life out off it mate ........live and learn ........you can make it too strong and it all slides down the wall aswell........plastering...great aint it
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