Cracks Moved to The Tiles

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My kitchen wall has crack line which has now moved down towards the floor. The wall up to 5 feet is covered with ceramic tiles. and the crack also appeared in them. If i plaster the wall again and replace the tiles with new ones then what is the probability that this crack will not appear again.
definatly something more sinister goin on there mate got to be movement had an extension or any large trees cut down round the house??
There are no trees on that side of wall. I think it is cracked due to some earth quake or something like it. My first plan was to remove the plaster and then placing metal gauze on the wall about 5 inch and then re plaster it. Due to Gauze the crack will not cross it from behind. This is my idea but i am not sure that it will work or not.
if the tile grout lines r still in alignment (horizontal) maybe not so bad, check upstairs, or in loft if a bungalow, movement away caught early, get a surveyor to have a look, tile joints not in alignment underpinning may be required, get the survey done urgent!!! Hope all is well
just have a look on the outside wall for a crack in the same place, this will give you an idea if its a bit of movement, propertys built on clay are gonna move for sure,
Had a problem like that in my old house, turned out to be an open joint where my down pipe connected into underground clay drain,causing an escape of water into the soil under the foundation. Repaired the connection, then repaired the cracking inside and out, used metal lath to bridge the cracks, the crack never showed it's ugly face again.
Yes this tend my thought towards that old water boring which was dumped before construction of house. but the crack do not appear from outside of wall where the bore was earlier. Walls are not made of mud. it is totally made of good quality bricks and cement in my own supervision. This could only happen due to the window which was removed from that side and was filled or the old damped water boring.
Had a problem like that in my old house, turned out to be an open joint where my down pipe connected into underground clay drain,causing an escape of water into the soil under the foundation. Repaired the connection, then repaired the cracking inside and out, used metal lath to bridge the cracks, the crack never showed it's ugly face again.
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