Coving prices

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On site, you'll be lucky to get £2.50-£3.00 supply & fix.
On domestic i'm now charging £4-5, what with having to sheet up, move stuff etc.
Had a customer call me on Monday wanting me to cove a newly refurbished farmhouse. Only decided he wanted coving AFTER the painters had put their final coat of on. He'll now have to pay for either keying the wall or for Betakontakt. That's another £1 a metre.
covings a piece of piss oasis, scribe the internals, that way you only have to cut one piece per angle. we did a living room this morning in half an hour. use board adhesive aswell. f**k the cove addy its to expensive!
you have to watch putting it up with dab adhesive if you do any caulkin up with it can shrink on drying also its a bit of a pig to sand back i allways use cove adhesive its more flexible on drying
Ive fitted lots of skirting but never occurred to me to scribe internals with coving! Will have to try that one with the keyhole saw. nice one
no in 7 years iv only ever seen coving put up once! i no, i started out working for my dads building company and he did it once. but then again i dnt reali no how to fir skirting and actives witch I'm sure is quite basic stuff but no one has ever taken the time to show me the method.
get yourself a magic mitres does all the sizes about 40quid it finds all angles exactly without the need to scribe great bit of kit
the geezer i work with is the only bloke i know who scribes the coving, saves ages, plus you can scribe every piece, then just cut to length. you only have to do 2 cuts on the last piece. easy.
steve_cov_spread said:
covings a piece of (french word) oasis, scribe the internals, that way you only have to cut one piece per angle. we did a living room this morning in half an hour. use board adhesive aswell. (french word) the cove addy its to expensive!

how does scribing it work as its a curve so to form the corner you must need the bottom edge to be longer than the top if you scribe the cove then surely it cant like right?? im gettin some old coving out of the shed tomorrow to try this
never tried it but i read somewhere its better to scribe if your room is way out of square.
napper, if you put a piece on the floor and then hold an offcut on top if it at a right angle then look down it, you need to draw a pencil line and 'copy' the outline of the piece your holding upright onto the piece on the floor. then cut straight not at an angle and the whole thing should go together.
Cut the 45 and then cut back with a coping saw. This is how I was taught. Less cutting and more tolerance if corner not square. Next time I cove, i'll get someone to video me doing the scribe so you can see.
tonys got it spot on, cut the 45 then cut it back with coping or board saw. it just slots into the piece already up then. trust me it works i was doing it today ;D
Never scribed cove, done it with skirting, so mite try it on next coving job.
Like said above cut 45angle then cut back excess same as skirting then.
I usually use the mitre mate little metal tool for gyproc & a mitre box for swan neck or plaster cornice.
Any angles like 22.5 etc I just pencil mark on ceiling with offcut then mark cove where marks meet & cut simple works with any angle ;)
Gyproc cove & cornice is a piece of p i ss really;D
if going over paint or paste like I had to the other week as decorator had sized the ceiling before I got there,
I just put a screw in every 2ft or so then fill with adhesive.
Cove adhesive is best to use I find.
But I have used:
dri wall adhesive,
easifill(says you can on back of bag) ;D
gripfill, on tiles etc.

And I charge about £80 per room on domestic
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