covering rising damp :-/

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New Member
hi guys
now i know most of you are gona tell me to do the job properly but i'm trying to save some dosh and we are thinking of selling the flat anyway so:

Bedroom wall which has neighbor's on the other side appears to have rising damp... (hollows, flakey paint, stains.)

weighing up the options and a) wondering if there is a way we can cover the issue (at least until we sell) or b) if i do the work myself properly how much roughly it would cost??

cheers fellas

kebab king said:
In the corner,any furmiture near it, give us some more info.

No furniture appart from a leaking fish tank but it cant be that, its gotta be rising damp........................Rising damp my arse it dont exist.
its in the corner by the window and spreads across the wall about 2m. no furniture... trying to attach a pic.
and btw flynnyman, i may only be a plasterer but i'm not that thick
pezzab said:
its in the corner by the window and spreads across the wall about 2m. no furniture... trying to attach a pic.
and btw flynnyman, i may only be a plasterer but i'm not that thick

Its in the corner by the window :)

Told ya it wasnt the fish tank or rising damp :P
its not on the wall with the window - its the wall thats 90degrees to the window... if that makes sense - are you suggesting that the problem is coming from outside flynnyman in a round about, sarcastic way?

cant seem to get a pic attached, keeps saying its too big even tho its only 12kb...
pezzab said:
its not on the wall with the window - its the wall thats 90degrees to the window... if that makes sense - are you suggesting that the problem is coming from outside flynnyman in a round about, sarcastic way?

cant seem to get a pic attached, keeps saying its too big even tho its only 12kb...

ME!!!! Sarcatic? naaaaaaaaaaaaaa you must have the wrong man but yeh i am suggesting the window may be involved, it could be something else and not rising damp coz this is rare so F*****g rare you will not find conclusive evidence or a pic on the whole interweb.
haha, no worries mate, i enjoy the sarcasm. cheers for the info - i'm no expert on damp, was just a suggestion from some one else as to what it looked like. i'll try and get a pic up and then maybe you can let me know what you think i should do
flynnyman said:
pezzab said:
its not on the wall with the window - its the wall thats 90degrees to the window... if that makes sense - are you suggesting that the problem is coming from outside flynnyman in a round about, sarcastic way?

cant seem to get a pic attached, keeps saying its too big even tho its only 12kb...

ME!!!! Sarcatic? naaaaaaaaaaaaaa you must have the wrong man but yeh i am suggesting the window may be involved, it could be something else and not rising damp coz this is rare so (french word)in rare you will not find conclusive evidence or a pic on the whole interweb.

I found one ;D

covering rising damp :-/
nothing really, the fence post between us and next door... no down pipes or anything. will have a good look tomorrow at the outside wall and see if there's any dodgy pointing or cracked bricks or anything and watch next time it rains for any faulty guttering
If your selling the place mate just paint the inside wall with cellar paint(meloseal)
then emulsion on top of that ;)
And if you want brush some Thompsons water seal(silicone based) on the outside brickwork aswell ;)
Yeah it's in a pretty sad state. It's Victorian so pretty old. Could do with a lot of work but like I say we may be selling soon so don't really wana be slashing out! I'll keep trying to upload pic so u can see the issue
hack it off mate then render it. first coat 6 sand 1 cement with water repellant second coat 5 sand 1 cement (no repellant) skim with carlite finish or sirafite (if you can get a hold of it) also if you want to do the job proprerly go to a hire shop and hire an injection machine for a 1/2 day and put dpc in yourself. PS dont take render to floor... leave a void behind skirting boards ;)
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