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a normal 7 hour day

1 and 1 both plasterers new work 120m per day skim

1 and a labourerer new work 100m per day skim

work by myself new work 70m per day skim

re -skims old work how long is a peice of string
a normal 7 hour day

1 and 1 both plasterers new work 120m per day skim

1 and a labourerer new work 100m per day skim

work by myself new work 70m per day skim

 re -skims old work how long is a peice of string

twice the size of half its length ;)
Today I skimmed 5m2, coved it, hung a door, went home. Most I,ve skimmed in a day is about 40m2, so what, does that make me sub-human,  point is with domestic work you can only do what needs doing, not more. sorry a bit pissed it is friday and no-one else is on-line :P
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