couple of questions

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just wondering if anyone uses trowel without rounding off the edges, my trowel never leaves any marks didnt see the point of knocking the edges off.

when using tarp do you throw them away or use again?

when plastering a ceiling is it best to tape polythene sheets to walls to prevent wall 'Getting plastered aswell

flex tubes or plasters buckets? :)

Also of the booze now in week :-/ bring on weekend 8-)
couple of questions

Also any tips for cleaning this of my trowel
i round the CORNERS, top 2 of toe off, dont generally bother to 'burn in' cos i find it'll find its own way eventually, but if it is burnt in i find its easier on the final trowel, doesnt seem to 'scuff' the plaster so you dont have to keep cleaning it...
if and when i use tarp, its a proper tarp, only a tenner but waterproof and ive had the current one for a good 3 months now, only really use it inside when i cant lift the floor covering....mostly use it outside if im downstairs and mixin outside, just saves on clean up time..
when doin ceilings i tend to mix up quite thick, drop little that way, any that does get on the walls i wait till ive given it the 1st or second trowel after toppin and scrape it off with the trowel, comes off easy and a damp (not wet) sponge removes any residue...
only time i use polythene sheet is really in kitchens where the units are in and can be a git to clean...
always a floppy 'gorilla' type tub, easy to carry tools/plaster/water in with one hand, cleans out dead easy, easy to work out of with a bucket trowel and virtually indestructable
beers ok in week if you need to psyche yerself up a bit for the morning, you feel like dogshit but when you get goin you seem to give it the nuts and soon sweat it out....take plenty water :D
my trowels worse than that btw...i dont bother with it, or the top for that never touches the wall anyway...but you could try brick acid, it wont touch the metal but it reacts with lime, theres lime in'll just fizz and dissolve...
failing that sit in front of andy mcnab tonight with a bottle of stella and a lump of emery cloth 8-)
if your trowels ok then leave well alone,i re use tarps unless they are really in poor condition,never had to put polythene up when skimming ceilings,always use plasterers buckets for finish easier to mix in,flexi buckets ok for hardwall,dri wall etc,.
looks like your trowel is steel not stainless steel,would advise drying it off at the end of each day and do not leave it balanced on your brush bucket overnight as this will cause rust marks in the morning,try giving it a clean with some wire wool or fine sand paper.
hope this helps if not start drinking in the week aswell
rounded edges will help mate but don't go over the top if youre rounding them yourself
i normally charge for tarps and dust sheets for the job i can't be arsed storing it and chuck them after unless theres alot of work involved i'll keep them
good point about the walls they get covered don't they ;D if it ain't plaster it'll be dirty water, i had a job to quote years ago, it was only artex ceilings on the ground floor and the house was absolutely fu%king spotless!! new or rarely used carpets ( they had a lounge and a sitting room ooer) and like you say very clean well decorated throughout .........i lost the job cause i priced to cover the lot, but what was the alternative?
plasters bucket i can't use gorilla tubs my wisk is too big and it ends up going everywhere mate, i normally use a spot and stand where i can
just scrape the stuff off youre trowel mate but be carefull you don't nick the edges 4" scrapers are good
as for the drink fair play mate i'm doing 6ish cans a night in at the mo ....................errrr i like the err taste?
i LOVE the taste of gorilla sh1t in the mornin...can never understand how it gets there though?
think youll find it might be mouse sh*t ,thats what i think anyway im sure theres a mouse that comes in the night after ive had a drink and does a sh*t in my mouth
mines definately a gorilla, no mouse could ever give me the sort of headache i wake up to...bast'd nicks all me cash too...
just wondering if anyone uses trowel without rounding off the edges, my trowel never leaves any marks didnt see the point of knocking the edges off.

when using tarp do you throw them away or use again?

when plastering a ceiling is it best to tape polythene sheets to walls to prevent wall 'Getting plastered aswell

flex tubes or plasters buckets?  :)

Also of the booze now in week :-/ bring on weekend 8-)
my trowel has the edges rounded,a use tarp again,when a do a ceilin just take extra care not to get it on the walls unless there gonna get skimmed aswell n av always used plaster
buckets like seggsy says there easy to clean n you can carry them with 1 hand
Try not get it on walls but have a sponge and clean water if you do.
Gorilla tubs every time.
2 paracetemol and a tin of redbull and sweat a hangover out. I ain't gonna stop drinking on a school night! ;D
worked on an army base in germany for a few months few years ago...fallingbostel camp...
7am one morning, -17 degrees, im wrapped up like a bloody maggot and theres this squaddy stood on the checkerplate footplate of a tank transporter....NO shoes or socks, pair of combats and an open necked olive shirt, not a care in the world...saw him previous night completely out of his nut...
when asked how he did it he goes 'Easy 2 brufen before bed, 2 when yer wake up and a bottle of becks fer breakfast, no more hangover'....
apparently brufen (or ibuprofen) cures the headache cos its anti inflammatory and the headache is caused by the swelling of the brain in reaction to the alchohol....the becks was for the dehydration...god knows how he felt come lunchtime though...
more from doctor bigsegs next week....
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