cornise run with multi

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New Member
cornise run with multijust for a change
It shouldnt be that thick if you muffle the mould and core it out in bonding then its just abit on top to finish with the casting or multi in this case, good work !
I read this the other week and it never crossed my mind to run a cornice with multie for the same reasons that someone mentioned, it might crack. Thinking about it multie probably doesnt shrink that much so this week i had the opportunity to run a cornice in situ, patching up where a chimney had been removed so about 2.5m. i used multie finish coz i couldnt be arsed chasing casting plaster and it wasnt that thick maybe 2.5 inches at its highest spot. I couldnt be arsed muffling it out so just run it and i will never be going back to casting plaster again, it was a lot easier coz of the setting time, i used one bucket of finish then a slurry at the end to just tidy it up, and it came out looking mint so cheers steve for posting up your work and this proves every day is a school day :)
av just ran a small cornice for a ceiling lying 6 inch in from the walls casting plaster is a pain in the arse building up ur layers then a few polishes to finish so a mite give running my next on in multi a go sounds a lot easier doing one mix and the final result looks superb
multi finish will crack eventually
using casting with scrim will last alot longer

u know this how??? ever tried it?? mope iv found most of u guys down south never tried anything new only wot uv been told try it at least its a change something diff in a dull job and ivfound its better quicker cheaper doesnt crack no brainer .
u know this how??? ever tried it?? mope iv found most of u guys down south never tried anything new only wot uv been told try it at least its a change something diff in a dull job and ivfound its better quicker cheaper doesnt crack no brainer .

hes right it does crack after a while,in my experience.
i tried it many moons ago as we didnt have any casting, i cored it out with bonding, put some lats in the bonding,run it in situ with finish, about 2 years later we got a call,it was for a fella who we worked for a lot otherwise we wouldnt have gone back, went back and it had started to craze and shell off.not good.
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hes right it does crack after a while,in my experience.
i tried it many moons ago as we didnt have any casting, i cored it out with bonding, put some lats in the bonding,run it in situ with finish, about 2 years later we got a call,it was for a fella who we worked for a lot otherwise we wouldnt have gone back, went back and it had started to craze and shell off.not good.
remember my journayman changing from casting to carlite bonding and finnish many moons ago then when multi came in i used that im 49 now done hundeds never had any problems even tried fp90 when it was on the go good as well hay everyone 2 there own eh
remember my journayman changing from casting to carlite bonding and finnish many moons ago then when multi came in i used that im 49 now done hundeds never had any problems even tried fp90 when it was on the go good as well hay everyone 2 there own eh

been 40 years at it only ever run cornice with board or multi finish ,never had to go back to a cracked one yet casting plaster for enrichments only.
scratch coat with bonding dub out with bonding and lime 5mm muf finish with multi and lime works fine
I had been running in-situ moulds in board finish and lime for over thirty years, before I went into teaching, now I teach all my level 3 students to run in board finish and lime, Always get a good result, more time to play with it, casting plaster is ok for bench work
Fartarm . Understand the background run could be a number of plaster mixes. What about the dressing? For information purposes for those who are not aware their are polish plasterers that can knock the spots off some of us. Last of all you spell cornise Cornice:rolleyes)
Fartarm . Understand the background run could be a number of plaster mixes. What about the dressing? For information purposes for those who are not aware their are polish plasterers that can knock the spots off some of us. Last of all you spell cornise Cornice:rolleyes)
there is a post missing before mine....someone selling books I believe. ..:RpS_laugh:
I never spelt cornice ?,?? So what you on about ????
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Fartarm . Understand the background run could be a number of plaster mixes. What about the dressing? For information purposes for those who are not aware their are polish plasterers that can knock the spots off some of us. Last of all you spell cornise Cornice:rolleyes)

Any I've come across are shite. You get many of them on the Canary Islands???

Thought not
We get mainly Spanish and English plasterers here some a realy good. Have to admit no polish plasterers that I have seen but would be out of place here. Seems the straight edge never existed here in most cases and the sponge has replaced the float. But looks acceptable after a few beers. Apologies fatarm its thee age and the beer
We get mainly Spanish and English plasterers here some a realy good. Have to admit no polish plasterers that I have seen but would be out of place here. Seems the straight edge never existed here in most cases and the sponge has replaced the float. But looks acceptable after a few beers. Apologies fatarm its thee age and the beer

been 40 years at it only ever run cornice with board or multi finish ,never had to go back to a cracked one yet casting plaster for enrichments only.
scratch coat with bonding dub out with bonding and lime 5mm muf finish with multi and lime works fine
Hi mate I am planning on running a cornice with bonding and finish, did consider adding a drop of lime, could you give me an idea of how much lime to use and how long to leave the bonding before going over with multi?
I had been running in-situ moulds in board finish and lime for over thirty years, before I went into teaching, now I teach all my level 3 students to run in board finish and lime, Always get a good result, more time to play with it, casting plaster is ok for bench work
Hi there,
I'm planning on running a cornice, core will be bonding coat ( do you think this necessary?) And 5mm or so finish coat run in multi.
You mentioned lime, what ratio lime/gypsum?
Is the lime simply to speed up setting time?
Advice welcome!
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