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New Member
been to look at 2 jobs this week where customer has a 2 adjoining walls (ie external angle so usually put an angle bead on and skim both)but both customers have said " theres nothing wrong wi that wall just want one wall doing " ive explained the benefits have having both done wi putting angle bead on better finish , level etc . but no they only want 1 wall skimming . now my stupid question of the day is wot are my options do i skim the 1 wall and feather it into the corner or is there some other sort of beading apart from angle bead to put on

cheers tim
You can use a skim stop bead , but some people should get what they ask for and just finish it free hand it bugs me when jo public think they know better after all whos the professional here.
Timmo you can get 3 mil stop beads for this i usually get them from builders merchants. failing that just use a small rule holding on the edge and skim into start from top and work down , same when trowelling ( hope this makes sense lad)
cheers lads ill go wi the stop bead me thinks ..... erm steve just explain wot u mean about the small rule thing abit more please it might come in handy in the future lad
use a rule (ie a bit of plained lath) bout 2 foot long while holding it along the edge with your non trowel hand skim into it, then slide your rule away ,then same again working down your edge.then do the same when troweling hold your rule on. sometimes this is best method because some people dont like the edge of bead showing
if there is an existing bead you can cut the edge back with a stanley knife like you would a doorframe after h/wall
I would just skim the wall that needs skimming and burn it into the corner , it can be done and ive never had any probs or comebacks with this way of working.
a stop bead is not the answer I would just skim up to the edge. if you were to put up a stop bead the chances are as soon as its knocked it will crack the plaster and it also would not look right from thr other angle and would also be a pain to set if the wall is not 100% true.
A edge of the stop bead would be seen from the other side, just feather it in, if the client doesn't know what's good for him don't waste time and money on stop beads.
timmo72 said:
cheers for the replies lads but im still confused some of u say stop beads and some say dont

Dont be confused those who say stop bead I dont think understand what you meant or they wouldnt of suggested it because it would look sh@t.
all the time ive read this thread i thought it was a splayed angle ......if it's a normal 90 deg angle put a skim bead up and feather the return into the existing wall
spunkybum said:
all the time ive read this thread i thought it was a splayed angle ......if it's a normal 90 deg angle put a skim bead up and feather the return into the existing wall

thats his problem they dont want the return doing, hence why he needs to just go to existing angle without putting any beading on.
people look at angles corners etc alot more than the centre of the wall he can feather the plaster into the wall easily
for the sake of a trowel width of plaster id put a normal angle bead up and feather in. he would have 2 touch up the other side with paint anyway
Stop bead to arris of exisiting bead then fill in the very small gap between the edge of the stop bead and the exisiting. All you will see is the 3mm return of the stop bead which is very similar to putting on a normal angle bead. It will cost you about £2 for a bead and make life a lot easier and given the customer a good finish which looks neat and professional.
Gary the Spread said:
Stop bead to arris of exisiting bead then fill in the very small gap between the edge of the stop bead and the exisiting. All you will see is the 3mm return of the stop bead which is very similar to putting on a normal angle bead. It will cost you about £2 for a bead and make life a lot easier and given the customer a good finish which looks neat and professional.

until someone or something bangs off it............either skim to the original or like some one said bang a skim bead on and feather a trowel full of gear up the other side it will take just as long with the bead but will leave a better job.
Each to their own, never let me down before. Try it both ways when you get the cahnce and use what works best for you in the future.
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