Corner beading

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Quick question regarding use of corner beads.
Have only ever used corner beads on new plasterboard before, have been to price up a job and wondering if corner beads should be used for reskims?
If they are, which is the best way to attach them? Can I just nail them onto the corners (ie over the previous beads)?
Or is it preferable/possible to reskim without?
Any expert help much appreciated!
I Never nail would nail to old wood beads on over skim ...found the
Added moisture from plaster expands the wood bead ...& can show cracks on your new thin coat ..always stick them I've found best
Yea new can go over old.
I use hook on beads from r and j hardware.
Then if the walls out to much for it to stay I'll bed it first while setting some other walls then it will be fine for next set.
Skim always goes on a lot thicker no matter what you stick them on with, even Hubba bubba
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