cordless mixer?

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New Member
any one got one off them cordless mixers u can get?
sounds reali good..but how long would they last and would they be strong?
oasis you like youre tools dont you mate ;)........i'd love one no leads tranny etc they look nice and lightweight but it's true mate do they have the guts and how long do the batteries last ?
if i did alot of domestic reskims i'd buy one deffo ............if there any good ::)
get the stick out'd be nice if you could fit a slightly larger whisk atatchment too ::)
ive used a stick a fair few times, ok if you arent using a spotboard, i guess as your just getting the the mixed stuff out of the middle, but if scraping it out ontp a bapord i allways end up gettin dry barely mixed gunk off the side of the bucket even tho i scrape the sides of the bucket while mixing, sods law eh! "one last spread over here.....ah you b@astard!" dry bit stuck to you trowel and a huge line up the wall which is a bugger to get out
I DO LIKE MY TOOLS.just trying to find out all i can bout skimmin..
im only young..i work on me own all day nice 2 ask people the 10000 questions i ask my self allday
I still use a mixing wheel and proper plaster mixing bucket, 1 bag at 9am really wakes you up, more so if have been on the froth night b4.

Dont have to worry about mi mixer dying though :D
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