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Hi, we're a Plastering Firm that has been working for CPUK, who are subcontracting for Hillcrest Homes in Preston. We have been working the site there since last year, and are having trouble getting payment from them. Builders, plumbers, joiners and more have had the same problem. As it stands now, CPUK owe in the region of £60,000 and are refusing to pay. They are countercharging for every peice of work that we have done, and other workmen on the site are having similar problems. I was wondering if anyone else out there has had experience with this Company?
cant say i have mate, and i dont recall anyone else mentioning cpuk on this site before, or not with regard to late payment anyway...
Are you saying though that they owe YOU or your company 60k? that would send most plastering companies to the recievers surely...what went wrong? i would have expected plastering to be one of the easiest trades to adjudicate, its either right, or its crap, if theyve paid you before for similar work, they should have no reason to stop paying...sound like you should have a pretty watertight case in court...
Theres law firms who specialise in this sort of thing, prolly worth having a search, you might even need an expert witness...someone independent with expert knowledge of the trade certified to work with solicitors and such...
only problem with it is if they roll over themselves, sounds likely in all honesty...
good luck with it mate, feel for you...
The owe my company £60,000. I've been in business 35 years, and this has never happened to us before. The first payment came through fine. But subsequently, they've dangled a carrot in front of us. My men are great at what they do, their work is flawless and they've won awards for work they've done before. But then it came to a point where we would do the work on the houses, and then CPUK would have electricians and plumbers go in afterwards to alter things, then we were countercharged and refused payment because the plastering work wasn't done to a high enough standard. So, obviously if someone goes in and knocks holes in the walls after you're done plastering it's pretty obvious that that will be the case. This has gone on and on until recently we recieved countercharging fees dating back to January that means we won't get paid at all. Countercharging fees include "hiring extra security on the weekend while we work" ( CPUK's security is already there 24/7 ) "fees for stationary, paperwork and faxing" ( apparently since January they've used £5000 worth of office materials in correspondence to us ) and the past 3 weeks they've countercharged £10,000 a week!!! They claim that we were 3 weeks behind schedule, and as such have said we owe £10,000 for every week we are behind. But, we weren't able to carry out the work, as the houses weren't ready for us. After investigating further, we found that CPUK is subcontracting for Hillcrest homes, and CPUK themselves are 40 weeks behind schedule. It's a terrible situation, and we are seeing an arbitrary on Tuesday to see where we stand in terms of hiring a lawyer to fight for us. Like we say, we have a couple of plumbers and joiners that are in a similar predicament, but not the the extreme cost that we are. One site forman who kicked up a fuss on our behalf was fired ( he's just started proceedings for unfair dismissal ) and he's subsequently recieved a threatening letter saying that "If he talks about that business or divuldges any information about CPUK" that he will be taken to court... The situation is really horrible... They're such a huge firm, and we really need help dealing with them.
again good luck with it mate, they sound like solicitors not builders
Bloody hell! sounds to me like theyre trying to recover their own f''k up costs from the people who make them their money in the first place...really sorry to hear about it mate...not much i can say in advice though, maybe if you stick around someone with more business sense than me might be able to give you some pointers.
It seems pretty obvious they've got cash flow problems themselves otherwise they wouldnt be taking such a risk by refusing to pay you and then quoting silly numbers to cancel out the debt...
I hope when it all gets to court (and for your sake sooner rather than later) theyre taken apart and you get full payment inc interest/compensation...
In the meantime though, thanks for the tip off mate.. Construction Partnerships UK,  I presume theyre LTD...
take it this is the job btw..
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seems theyre spending your cash on paintballing and computerised?? snagging...
if any trade was countercharged 10 grand a week for being late we'd all be out of business, p.s was this mentioned at the start
as for the office and security fees they sound like a desperate bunch like bigseggs said there trying to recoup, i reckon you'd stand a good chance in court or as a very final alternative get all the lads on site and ask him agin where the money is
yeh good point, penalty clauses are horrendous... x amount per house unfinished per day...long as you can prove its not your fault you should be ok, but therein lies the heart sinks..
Yes, after the Plumbers and Electricians went back in, we patched everything back up. The work is top quality. On Thursday, me and a few lads went onto the site to remove our left over materials, boards and the likes - these are materials that we've paid for and provided. On Saturday we received a letter stating that we will be countercharged further for holding up development of the site by removing our materials... The whole situation stinks... Hopefully the Arbitrary will tell us that we have a good case on Tuesday...
sounds like the bad old days of the late 80's, good luck mate, let us know how you get on on tues.
countercharged further for removing materials belonging to YOU!! as in left over!! they must be taking the p""s
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