Concrete ceilings

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Evening all,

Can anyone advise on best course of action for screwing / nailing into a concrete ceiling (block of flats)

Need to batten it out to fix boards to but not sure if my B&Q masonry drill set will be man enough for the job ?

Cheers folks
Cant you just bond it out then skim ????.

I you have to fix then i use Hilti hammer in fixings, its like a thick maisonary nail surrounded with aluminium, drill your hole, put in the fixing and just hit it this expands the aluminium and it is there for life.... or drill and plug your drill should be fine.

Cheers guys but the chap wants me to drop the ceiling by 50mm so he can fit downlighters so bonding is out the question

Are those MF ceilings any good ? The ones I've ever skimmed onto seem ever so wishy washy or is that the poor work by the contractor that put them up ?
Mf ceilings are great there a piece of p iss to install, make sure the perimeter track is bob on it all falls into place really
They are excellent, yeah you can move them if you give the ceiling a push but i think they are the pope.

I cant do them myself but i get a bloke in who can for example when i had a big lath and plaster ceiling to do i took off the old plaster left all the laths on got matey in to put up a grid and board it and i came back and skimmed it... so easy and there was more profit in it for me.

pftmonojetman said:
Only way to do a concrete soffit really, in my opinion

Would be cheaper to 2x1 batten it though drill and fix every 400mm board it and skim in a day with a labourer.

get him to hang the downlighters and put twenty coats of bonding on ;D
No cheapest isnt always best but its options we are talking about here really.

I am pretty sure that the ceiling was bonded and skimmed anyway and this guy wants to add downlighters so there shouldnt be any services apart from the new lighting cable.


No im saying that the existing concrete ceiling is probably bonded and skimmed but now he wants to add downlighters he needs a 50mm void to fit them in.

50 doesnt sound like an awful lot for a downlight, they things generate an awful lot of heat.. is he doing it himself or is the sparky coming? where jay when you need him? ;D
MF ceiling is the way if you decide different fix with 6mm hammer ins but you will need a proper SDS Drill not cheap dewalt and others that take an SDS bit but dont have the proper action.
Like Bigsegs says 50 is not enough clearance youll need at least 150 mm ( maybe more ! )dependent on light fitting.
Speak to a spark b4 you touch it else it could end in tears.
This aint gonna be an easy job trust me....Make sure your making plenty $$$$$$ or leave it alone.
I think you need to speak to a sparks cos there may be building regs about void required and 50mm aint much.
Cheers for all your replies lads - spoken to the spark on the job and he says that because its a concrete ceiling, 80mm is the minimum - Customer doesnt want it any lower than 100mm as its fairly low anyway and any lower than that, he'll be banging his head in his own flat !!
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