Compressed air

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Been spraying sto level cote got it going fine brand new r & s, running from barrels and just a 10m hose only trouble im having is when i finish a section and turn the air off at the gun i come to turn the air back on and nothing happens i have to press the green button on the machine im spraying on my own so its getting a bit of a tw@ having to keep running back to the machine yo turn the c**t on, anybody got and ideas as to what might be up cheers
When you turn off the air is this action turning the pump motor off or does it switch of when you try to turn it back on ?
When ive finished spraying i switch off at the gun the motor stops its when i turn the air tap open nothing happens and i have to start the machine with the green switch on the caddy
Yes i understand that, What i was asking is does the machine motor (green Switch) turn off in conjunction with you turning the air off OR does it switch off when you attempt to turn the air to the open position
Been spraying again today same thing happened i switch off the motor with the airline when i come back to open the air line the genny revs for a second then i have to press the green button to get going again, also when i switch on with the green button i have to hold it in for a second until the motor starts turning
is the material slightly dryer than you have previously run it. From what you have said it sounds like the machine has to labour to get going again. This could be down to the material taking an initial set in the rotor and stator whilst you rule off etc. By holding the start button down you could be forcing it to start pumping and once it starts it works ok. Do you find that you could turn it off then immediately back on without this problem ?
You could test it by setting everything up and running water through it whilst operating the remote control on the air.
Its exactly how you describe it Seems to take up very quickly so i would guess you saying its happening whilst im ruling, ive started uding it a bit wetter but there is 2 or 3 minutes between stop and start sounds like i need an extra pair of hands then, think i know whats causing it cheers blones
you could get round this by spraying wetter. By the time you finished your arear the material would pick up a bit in order to rule cleanly. I would suggest a 10mm spray nozzle for this and spray from bottom to top.
OR Buy a remote control cable and switch that you can tape to the air and mortar hose so that you can turn it back on without returning to the machine
Your volts are dropping on your generator so when you switch your air off and then turn your air back on the generator is dipping when the machine is asking for full load ....And because it drops bellow 380 volt the machine turns its self off... So all you need to do is turn the power up on your generator
technicianman said:
take a picture of each side of your geni with the panels off and send them to me and i will point you in the right direction
Cheers Les ive done for now but the next time im spraying ill send you the pics cheers
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