"Compact all in one" admixture

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Private Member
Any of you guys use the above stuff it came out a few years back onto the uk market.
Just looking at the leaflett it says, The bonding coat is sprayed onto the wall to be rendered as an undercoat on porus surfaces can also be brushed on.
Also it shows 1 volume of compact all for 4 volume of water as a primer for porus surfaces it shows a picture of old brick work. you spray or brush onto brickwork.
It's liquid mate mixed at 1 part to 4 parts water yes you can mix as a slurry coat or into your render mix. It suppose to be also good on re skims never used so don't no about that.
so its just another version of external pva or sbr then? I'm imagining its cheaper? or 'better' at suction control than sbr or pva? otherwise why try and fix something that works fine when used correctly or is it just another cheapo company trying to jump on a very very old bandwagon? why not see if you can find the data sheet on it, prolly find its exactly the same stuff...
there was another product a while ago known as p100 primer... used for a brand of lightweight render, 100 quid for a 5 gallon tub...
smell it and guess what it smells like? yup - sbr, car body filler - in other words - styrene. styrene butadiene rubber to be exact
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