That's shocking behaviour mate, you should be ashamed of yourself. At least I have the decency to p*ss on my labourers trowel for himi hurd if u piss on  it leave over night then crack a few eggs open and rub all over..leave in the sun and peal off should look mint..well thats wot i tell the lab 2 do with his..
just don't forget who makes the teai hurd if u piss on  it leave over night then crack a few eggs open and rub all over..leave in the sun and peal off should look mint..well thats wot i tell the lab 2 do with his..
wat kind of trowel are you using cos mine is stainless steel n a just clean it with a splash brush n water n it comes out dandy n a never let any slip dry on it cos a hate havin to scrape it offWhats the best way to clean your trowel?
does anyone else remember seeing "only clean tools need apply" in the situations vacant for any building trade?
only clean trowels need apply refers to the state you leave the job in more than the shine on your trowel,maybe it should say no dirty ba$$ads need apply!does anyone else remember seeing "only clean tools need apply" in the situations vacant for any building trade?
only clean trowels need apply refers to the state you leave the job in more than the shine on your trowel,maybe it should say no dirty ba$$ads need apply!does anyone else remember seeing "only clean tools need apply" in the situations vacant for any building trade?