clap lamp

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Private Member
just bought a clap lamp from lidi's cost £5.99 just wondering if any one use's these in low light areas as side light
Re: clamp lamp

sorry every one ive spelt it wrong i ment clamp lamp its a 60 watt light that is attached to a clamp you can plug in the mains. i bought it to use in low light conditions as a side light. does anyone else use them. hey big i told u i was a bad speller
thought so ;D
cant really say i find the low wattage stuff much use to be honest, its gotta be real close then it just gets in the way, i prefer the halogen 500 watt pod light, or the doubles on a stand, thing is flick a bit of water near em and it cracks the glass they get so bloody hot...
screwfix do a great one like a long flourescent tube stuck on a weeble, unbreakable and wont fall over..
mac tools rep tried to sell me one a few months back like a goldfish bowl on a stand with a 200 watt bulb in it...bloke wanted £ he could still hear us laughing at the end of the road... :o
Re: clamp lamp

hey big yeah looks well good the Plasters lighting in screw fix, 110 v though, also economic single works light looks good and only 38 quid, i thought the clamp lamp i bought was good.
dunno yet, i thought if i did a ceiling i could hammer a nail in the wall a hang it of that, i probably get that halogen light on tripod less messing about, what do you think
ill use a light if theres little natural light, like a small window and im doin the full room, time the ceilings gone dark the light level drops dramatically and i cant see the misses...
big window and bright day outside and ill not bother...
couple of podlights does me most situations, they just sit there on the floor like little furbies, just gotta remember not to look at em though, blinded for the next 5 mins... :P
get through bulbs though, podlights are cheap enough off any market, get em for 5-10 quid, bulbs are about 2.50 and you not gotta touch em or the grease on your fingers causes em to knacker after a few hours, dunno why but they do...gotta remember not to flick water off the wetbrush near em too...
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