Chain saw

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surely they only cut thermalte blocks? seen 1 on tommy walsh ages ago not sure what he was cuttin thru tho why not use a sthill
Bruce Willis said:
Read the post mate. The chainsaw cuts through both sides at once. ::)

i know that but why pay all that for a chainsaw(even if you hire it) when a 9inch disk will do it just as good at a fraction of the cost and most of us av got a disk cutter already
dont get me wrong i love my tools and gadgets (am all for saving time and work) but i dont think they would be worth the price. u could buy a half decent disk cutter for the hire cost surely
karrrl said:
Bruce Willis said:
Read the post mate. The chainsaw cuts through both sides at once. ::)

i know that but why pay all that for a chainsaw(even if you hire it) when a 9inch disk will do it just as good at a fraction of the cost and most of us av got a disk cutter already
dont get me wrong i love my tools and gadgets (am all for saving time and work) but i dont think they would be worth the price. u could buy a half decent disk cutter for the hire cost surely
Your probably right mate but sometimes a 9 inch cytter doesnt go all the way through. For example in alot of old houses the wall might be just over 9 inch due to shoddy brick layers or the internal render being thicker thaan normal.
Ive worked on some house were the internal walls were 3 skin thick.
Personally I dont like chainsaws, if the blade snaps watch out.
I love chainsaws. I grew up in Texas an a farm with an abattoir in the grounds and to save time, I used to cut up the cow carcasses with a chainsaw. One day, this camper full of teenagers came snooping around and.....
chain saws are great for cutting timber but for brick every one knows a still is the best.

if these fancy brick chain saws were any good why have i never seen a brickie with one.
carlos said:
chain saws are great for cutting timber but for brick every one knows a still is the best.

if these fancy brick chain saws were any good why have i never seen a brickie with one.
To be honest mate your right but I hardly see brickies with any tools other than what fit into a bucket. Most of em even turn up with no mixer expecting to use yours!
saw them in profesional builder being advertise a few yearss back but havent seen one being used..
mate of mine reckons theyre ok but they burn chains and the chains cost a bomb apparently...
great idea though.. might even stay sharper used on harder materials the way a decent diamond blade will, the way to sharpen a diamond blade is run it through something soft like sandstone... takes loads off the cheaper ones though...

even using a 12" petrol or electric styll saw you get left with a bit of brick to chip off and they dont go through the corners... doesnt really matter if your installing a lintel though cos you just overcut into where the lintel will be...
theres the other thingy too, cant remember what its called but its a bit like 2 oscillating tct toothed curved blades, makes hardly any dust, very neat hole albein a bit slower than a disc cutter but easy to use...
been highly recommended to me but at 400 quid i aint got enough holes to cut out to justify one!
Chris W said:
saw them in profesional builder being advertise a few yearss back but havent seen one being used..
mate of mine reckons theyre ok but they burn chains and the chains cost a bomb apparently...
great idea though.. might even stay sharper used on harder materials the way a decent diamond blade will, the way to sharpen a diamond blade is run it through something soft like sandstone... takes loads off the cheaper ones though...

used one of these. hired. great job and nearly zero dust. all falls on floor and not thrown into the air. ideal for a domestic.

even using a 12" petrol or electric styll saw you get left with a bit of brick to chip off and they dont go through the corners... doesnt really matter if your installing a lintel though cos you just overcut into where the lintel will be...
theres the other thingy too, cant remember what its called but its a bit like 2 oscillating tct toothed curved blades, makes hardly any dust, very neat hole albein a bit slower than a disc cutter but easy to use...
been highly recommended to me but at 400 quid i aint got enough holes to cut out to justify one!
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