cement scum on glass removal?

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Private Member
you know what it's like fellas......even pulling the inside board back sometimes doesn't stop heavy rain splashing the shite on the scaffold back onto the windows and drying like a haze all over the glass. Is there anything out there that's shiiiit hot at cutting through it on glass and pvc sills?
Thanks churchy that looks the biz will try that. Have you ever tried watered down brick acid on PVC sills?
Aye in a perfect world but sometimes something gets left or a freshly beaded head gets rained on after you leave and runs down the glass and dries, what then I mean. Will be more fussy about this in future though
No never tried it mate , if you do order some get some wiper wash fluid too ;) good stuff with the winter coming up :'(
Trouble is with that grand, its got abrasives in it and scratches the plastic which then holds the dirt more so they discolour quicker .
church said:
No never tried it mate , if you do order some get some wiper wash fluid too ;) good stuff with the winter coming up :'(

but its stays nice and shinny longer emough for the cheque to clear ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
no use to you now but .........

i have been using plastic film (roll of 25m)to cover windows while rendering ----still allows them light in the rooms even if it has a blue tint---take it off when finished --clean windows& glass ---job done

may be worth thinking about for future work??

hi martin, mate if you attended our jobs you'd be visiting a masking convention. It's on the odd occasion when were beading and somebody leaves some blobs on the sill without washing them off and they stick and mark. We always mask for spraying.
You can't mask accurately before you bead and that's where they tend to occasionally get stained.
goody said:
hi martin, mate if you attended our jobs you'd be visiting a masking convention. It's on the odd occasion when were beading and somebody leaves some blobs on the sill without washing them off and they stick and mark. We always mask for spraying.
You can't mask accurately before you bead and that's where they tend to occasionally get stained.

quite agree
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