Cement in bonding

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I only do it if I am sticking beads and I want it to turn mega quick.... or I am filling a chase in that needs to be patched quick...

I am a little aprehensive about adding things to finish and backing plasters as I believe that they manufacture it to work in a certain way and adding anything other than water could upset the balance....

I have never had problems...if all else fails dirtty water

Dirty water weakens the mix but it cant be traced if tested.
I think it makes finish set rapidly and it doesnt look dark when dried out.
Danny said:
I only do it if I am sticking beads and I want it to turn mega quick.... or I am filling a chase in that needs to be patched quick...

I am a little aprehensive about adding things to finish and backing plasters as I believe that they manufacture it to work in a certain way and adding anything other than water could upset the balance....

I have never had problems...if all else fails dirtty water

ah found a new way for stickin beads on......run a bit of grip fill down the bead tack it with a nail,then job done.....
mixing OPC and gypsum products produces, if memory serves, sulpho-aluminates and calcio-magnesiates (spelling prob wrong) i.e. salts which can migrate. Particularly an issue where moisture becomes present at any stage in the future as the salts are hygroscopic (absorb moisture then become liquid then solidify etc)

i only do it as a get out of jail free card...
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