celing- layin on

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New Member
i no weve done this one b4 but wouldt mind a bit of help on the best way 2 lay on celing well largeish ones like 5x5 7x4 ect usally i go all the way around the edges then fill the centre but that seems 2 take awhile for me..

i ran outa steam to day as iv been down the gym doin wights! are gave up has 2 hit it with deep heat!
i usually start one end and finish the other mate :)...........i lay into what ive
done but turn around to trowel up
on a big ceiling i start on narrowest part on left hand side in the middle and then pull in the edges alot quicker are you using stilts
the most proffesional way is too lay a screed around the edge and work into it ...........cant see many doing that on price ;D
grand wizard said:
on a big ceiling i start on narrowest part on left hand side in the middle and then pull in the edges alot quicker are you using stilts

same as, i once heard you should lay on at right angles to the biggest window though, anyone else heard that?
heard that a load of b*ll***s i allways final trowel towards the light because if it looks good then no worries
get some marshall skywalker 2's oasis once u get used to using stilts u wont go back but u gotta be confident of mixing an laying on 2 bags at once on a bigsh ceiling unless u got a labourer to mix up for u pain in the arses gettin up an down otherwise
didnt like the 2's jammed up after 8 months found you had to loosen spring to walk properly bought some sur mag stilts best i've had double bar ones best i've had in 20 years on stilts
250 mate go on all-wall.com they do a conversion kit for durastilts called gorrilla straps makes them more comfortable and sturdy
were all getting kit nicked on site ......ever since the polskis turned up >:(
napper83 said:
i had an old pair of trainers nicked out of the drying room once the F****** soles where falling off them!
in that case maybe they walked themselves into the skip
so u rekon the best way is to start in the left top maybe and hit all the middle first close to the edge as u can and then fill in the edges or wot ever is left..
not tried the mags..but if their lighter thats never gonna be a bad thing...dunno about the double leg type tho.....i prefer the mt 2 single leg i found less aches and pains than the same weighted mt 1's......the racket system can get a little moody tho on the 2s,
now if they made the mt 2's made out of magnesium..those puppiesd id snap up
as for ceiling....me personally..face window left edge stripe down room same on right ...start left corner....123 pull stroke typewriter left to right ...stop.... left to right 1 2 pushh stroke to finish ....left to right left to right...turn around off wall 123 pull stroke finish.......
phippsy333 said:
not tried the mags..but if their lighter thats never gonna be a bad thing...dunno about the double leg type tho.....i prefer the mt 2 single leg i found less aches and pains than the same weighted mt 1's......the racket system can get a little moody tho on the 2s,
now if they made the mt 2's made out of magnesium..those puppiesd id snap up
as for ceiling....me personally..face window left edge stripe down room same on right ...start left corner....123 pull stroke typewriter left to right ...stop.... left to right 1 2 pushh stroke to finish ....left to right left to right...turn around off wall 123 pull stroke finish.......

i fink ur ganna have to show me that one lol
napper83 said:
i like mine cos they cos £60 off a smack head they only thing i dont like about them is how bouncy they are
Thi stilts must be suffering a bit of cold turkey!!!!
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