ceiling tiles

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New Member
Ive to go and price up a job an old dears old house and she had poly tiles all over her flat,
would it be correct in thinking a couple of coats of bonding then same with the multifinish??
cheers in advance
i rip them off personally, repair damaged plaster or overboard and skim. aside from them only being stuck on with a couple of dabs of adhesive the tiles are a big fire risk, melt and drip on the poor sods while their asleep (and the house is on fire) i assume you mean the ceilings?
they things are illegal these days mate.. have em off with a floor scraper then do whatever you need to do as normal..
Just overboard em mate , save you prattin takin em off and gettin rid then tryin scrap glue off , if they are trapped between boards a exist ceiling they will be ok left, especially in a bedroom a bit more insulation for the old dear ;)
try persuade her to upgrade and have bigger thicker ones fitted for that added thermal feeling at 2:30am when it melts and wraps around her face 8)
cheers lads i got the job just scrape them off then 2 bonding and 2 multifinish.
some arse tried to use the stuff from tv for damaged walls and ceilings and gues what it didnt work ::)

living room hall and bathroom do me for a weeks work then enjoy the sun
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