Ceiling advice

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Look at a job this evening in a old victorian house, they have had a loft conversion and building inspector has said all ceilings beneath need overboarding! anyhow they have fancy cornice which they want keeping ??? but they asked me to finish short of the coving with the boards about 8" and then make some kind of slant up to the coving the question is what you guys think can it be done and what is the best way???? i hope all this makes sense many thanks lads :)
um using some kind of batton in? over batton and make a 8" gap around the edges and keep the origanal ceiling on the last 8 inch.. and add a bead to the edge of the new board????// just a stab in the dark!
yea i thought that but they dont want 2 bring the ceiling down any further so i thought overboard to the 8" then do a slight slant using bonding the scrim as normal and skim as per dont know though ???
if the building inspector will allow it which i doubt as the reson for over boarding is fireproofing so you should be overboarding with fire line aswell.

it its allowed keep your boards back 8-10 inch then feather the gap back with bonding but i dont think this will be sufficant fireproofing i think bonding needs to be 13mm to provide 30mins fireproof qualities and you cant just do it as the building inspector will more than likely want to see it before it is skimmed
sounds like a mare of a job to me. cant they double board above the ceiling joists or am I being daft.

can you get some photos so we can see what kind of cove it is ?

According to the customers the building inspector has said as they are overboarding using 1/2" plasterboard its fine but the new steels that are hold the floors up are all firelined the pink boards!
id go to the customer with the idea of feathering the gap with bonding and getting them to clear it with the building inspector first
Just tell em the coving as got to be ripped off and boarded as thats what inspector wants to see done.
put some new coving up for them similar to the stuff already there......every ones a winner everyones happy and your better off finanicaly.
if you try to feather it in it would look a right mess.inspector wont allow it anyhow !!
your lucky he aint gotta ya double boarding it.
i think you'll have problems with regard to building regs, however, could you finish it square but fix some sort of fancy beading around the edge of the new board?
Ask the building inspector if they will accept an intumescent paint finish on the 8" border, to meet the fire regs.
had the same prob about twelve months ago what i did was boared up to the mouldind in 12.5 boared then cut down the edge of a skim bead to just sit on the edge of the boared and then just skim actually looked good when finished the edge of the boared was lower than the moulding but lost no detail hope this helps ;)
Dont know if ime reading this right but if you come back 8 0r 10 inches back from the cornice you wont have the fire rating.
Just found out not boading the ground floor because of fire regs just because they have a shed load of cracks in it and its sagged and all the plaster has come away from the lath so my next question is do u think if i rip the ceiling down will the cornice come with it???
thought as much, this is turning into a right nightmare job i was thinking of doing 8" gap all the way round then drop the ceiling with some 2x2 and then board up and skim then put the celing rose in the middle!!!
overboard with 6mm plasterboard up to the cornice and skim the top member will still be visable done it loads of times.
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