Cancellation Fee

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New Member
This morning I went to do a job and the lady said that her husband was meant to call me to cancell (he didnt). So now I have no work for 2 days as its too short notice to re-arrange anything and im £600 out of pocket. The job has been booked in for 3 weeks.

Does anyone charge customers a cancellation fee if they cancell a job or dont show up?

If so, how much?

A percentage of the price?

A fee for every day you were meant to be there?

A one of payment?

Or do you just take it on the chin and hope to get something else?

How much notice would you say they should give you?

Thanks, in advance....! :-\
your lucky gettin paid for doing it so the chances of getting paid for not doing it hmmmmmmmmmmmm exactly like oasis says take it on the chin.
I doubt if you'll get any fee back unless you had it detailed in your written quotation, under your terms and conditions.
Philby45 said:
I doubt if you'll get any fee back unless you had it detailed in your written quotation, under your terms and conditions.

Does anyone put any 'terms and conditions' on the quotes? Im tempted to do something like this as I hate waking up at the crack of dawn, buying materials, driving 45mins or so just to find out they arnt in or dont want the job done anymore. Its happend a few times this year.
In an ideal world there would be a cancelation charge but as most of us are self employed, the customer would just tell us to do one if we asked for anything. (Just phone the client the day before or the morning your going for peace of mind)
Mate.. i had a job a few months back.I had delivered all materials on site boards bonding finiish wood tiles paint etc £630 worth materials !!!! with my mate ready to start on the monday.
And sunday afternoon the guy rings me and tells me he needs some elcetrical work doing upsatirs and to leave alone up there for a few days.
Anyway on the monday morning start day,electriction is on site with the owner of the house going round testing etc as im overboarding one of the 9 ceilings to be done,when they drop the bobmshell that the house needs re wiring.
We agreed to do the c eilings as this wont interfere with the elctrician,and agreed (although not happy )he would pay me just to do the ceilings now and rest in 3 weeks when sparky finnished.
I had booked this job in for 4 weeks and finnished in 1 week with no future work or money.
I rings him up after 2 weeks to see how things are going and possible start date,he informs me that the electricians brother is gonna do the plastering now at a better price than me so i can come and pick the materials up as were quits as he paid me for the ceilings already.
I went fu c k i n g mental at him,but it got me know where,that ws his decision.
What made me so mad was that the phone was hot with calls the weeks leading upto this and i told people ill gladly come and quote but ii cant do any work for 4-5 weeks,nobody wants to wait in the domestic game nowdays so it left me with no work,but the phone was hot with calls for pottential work i had to let go.
I would love to put these sort of conditions in the quotation but its just another hurdle to put in front of the client.
So on a large contracted job most certainly, but for domestic work perhaps like some one else said a phone call a couple of days before.
Ive had several cancelations this year usually for smaler £300 £1000 jobs,people just ain got the money and are haggling for everything.
i got a holiday home in the Canary islands that i rent out for holidays. out of 28 weeks i had booked custmers for with paid deposits we had 11 cancelations this year and have had no bookings as yet for next year.
Over the five years weve had the place out there we never had any problems with cancelations or loss of bookings.
Things are getting really tight out there guys,and all this talk from the goverment about recoverory is complete and utter b*ll***s.
I aint got no degree in economics /policies / or finance but i know where no where near out the s h i Makes me so mad when there spending 100's of billions on restrcucturing banks and car manufactoring to boost sales,but the small business man ( THE BACKBONE OF THIS COUNTRY GETS FU C K ALL )
Skimmin do you have a website for the holidayhome?? Does the place make a profit?

Wud like to see some pics?
dont know if it wil be allowed advetising rules on here ???? but goto

I made a profit when the Euro was as 151 to a € 4-5 year ago but know at £1 to €1 and i got spanish mortgage is not so.
We didnt buy it to make money its my pension!!! we go on holiday 2 times ayear and use it and rent out to help pay maintenance charges pool etc spanish taxes etc....
Would rather put my saving into bricks and mortar rather than pensions linked to banks etc...
I suppose you could write it into terms and conditions on quote.say less 48 hrs notice can incure a fine...but legally customer would have to sign this and give you a copy for it to be worth anything....and youd prob get a bad name for yourself locally...thought about it myself......but as the others say...on the chin son
Just more paperwork to fill in !! legaly wouldnt be worth f all.When you have to go down the small claim court route its a nightmare,the customer is always protected more than YOU !!! been there mate.You gotta take it on the chin like the guys say
skimmin2day u spot on with what u say mate, touch wood i have not had any cancel on me, but if i had bought the materials i would ask to be refunded for those and maybe fuel costs?

its the same on site, plasterers seem to be treat like $h1t at the moment. Also there are far too many chancers about working for £80 a day on domestic you just cannot compete.
I use to get a lot of work from a different forum, people would come on and say "room needs skimming" and ask for you to quote without seeing it, they would do anything to pin a price on you it got to the stage where people where quoting-
£150 for a 12x13ft room inc ceiling

brings me to my point anyway is that there are too many spreads out there at the minute quick to jump on work, and so many are available its no wonder we get undercut every week
Yeah ...that about somes it up mate......But these guys ( chancers )spreading for beer money,cant keep going like that forever.
the medium /bigger companies are falling apart they carnt compete with smaller firms at the minute.
A one/two man bands can thrive right now and comeout on top with the right work,and in two years time be the big boy on the block employing and subbing out etc(if thats what you want OASIS springs to mind ?? )
its achievable.
You gotta take the good and the bad times.
it wasnt so long ago we were earnig £1000 a week driving landrovers and holidaying in mexico lol
Domestic market stil fairly good around my way, only work for builders havnt been affected by the big site b*ll***s......times were sooo much better last year, but as long as the morgage is happy ish ...but am waiting for the good times again, getting back to the beer money turnout....Got a squadie in my weekends for beer money barrocks week days. his plasterings good work..wouldnt say faultless but extremly good value for a customer...but really for silly money.i say now at this moment .good luck to him..his dad was a plasterer obv. learnt the trade family like..heard hes a nice chap.........but does f**k**g pizz me right off at times.
I always phone a couple of days before going to a job to confirm (remind) that I will be arriving on ..... at 8am etc, so far so good!!
Hes just trying to make a living though,better than selling crack cocaine to your kids????
At least hes working to provide for his family and 7 days a week be fair you cant knock that mate.
better than some people we could mention that just just take take take from the state... i pride my self on never signing on in my life id rather sell my ass ( spunky if interested).
im working 7 days when i can at the minute becuse work is slow has been slowing the last few months so i take it while i can.
Start new job on monday 3 weeks skimming and boarding so ill be fine through christmas.Buys me 3 weeks t find new work for new year which i s always a bad time for getting work.
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