can you plasterboard over un even plastered walls???

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New Member
got asked this today by my brother in law.... we has solid walls in his bathroom and the bottom half is tiled.... all of which is solid but very un even...... as oppose to hack it all off could he just board over it ???? adhesive will stick to other plaster won't it and then maybe give the tiles a lick of bond it???? should work in theory??? any one done this or similar???? ???
been covered before mate.. should be fine but why not just take off the tile were u want to put dabs? or just take um off only takes a sec
Can't believe the amount of people on this forum who ask ''can I plaster over tile?'' ''Can I board directly to tiles?'' ''can i key tiles?''

Just rip those bad boys off! half our, problem solved.
Roofer2plasterer said:
Can't believe the amount of people on this forum who ask ''can I plaster over tile?'' ''Can I board directly to tiles?'' ''can i key tiles?''

Just rip those bad boys off! half our, problem solved.
Very well said big man!
gypbond the entire wall inc the tiles, bring the wall flush with bonding and skim the lot ;) saves on mess ripping them off neee ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Roofer2plasterer said:
and ads bout 3 hours to your day neee ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
it does save an inch of roomspace though.. specially when approaching a door liner..
still.. how long would it take to remove em, bond the crappy bits and skim it? - quicker than dabbing boards on ill bet cos you gotta let the boards dry eh?
I cant beleive people ask these questions ?
Pva the tiles,whilst tacky 1 coat hardwall.Once dry 5 hrs later skim over then all should be good to over board .(although it wont last 2 years that way)
Or to save 1 day and £60 materials smash off with sds drill or bolster (30 mins) then dab!!!
Last a lifetime...its rocket science but not as you know it.
why bother dabbin if the tiles are off? quik lik of bonding/hardwall in any deep spots and skim it! even leave the door archi's on ;)
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