Roofer2plasterer said:
call me old fashioned but i'd find it easier knocking the c**nts off ;D
shouldnt trhat read 'i'd find it easier getting some young lad to knock em off'..
if theyre well fixed, 20 minutes of bleeding knuckles and your gonna wish you just dabbed over it..
or worse...
well fixed on a dabbed wall... time your done youre gonna need a skip!
ive done it both ways and to be honest, if its a retile, i'd just tile straight over the top, and if its not level, a coat of bondit followed by a levelling coat of bonding followed by tiles... stuff the skimming..

i aint that old but i can remember some tilers soaking tiles in a bucket of water before fixing em... try getting them buggers off in bits bigger than a 5p!!
still, chances are that these days theyll have been tiled over fresh plaster with no pva using 'fix + grout' (lol) and theyll come off with a plastic wallpaper scraper..