Can I use bonding for drywall adhesive?

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I wouldn't normally do it but I just need to dot and dab an area of approx 0.60m2 +/-0.20m. I dont want to buy a new bag of drywall adhesive as I'll never use the rest for ages and I've got a bag of bonding open with a perfect amount for the job and I can remember someone writing somewhere that they use bonding as a substitute.
What do you think, ok this once?
personally i wouldnt, ive used easy fill b4 now but bonding isnt an adhesive but if its only a real small area u might get away with it
stick bonding on plasterboard overnight then try and get it off in the morning bonding is the strongest sticking plaster in the world if carlsberg made plaster etc
did a job before were they wanted me to rip coving down, plaster and re-cove, with larger coving. the people who put coving up used finshing plaster. it was a fecking nightmare to get of the wall, also had to chisel all the lump off before re plaster
I seem to remember reading that dri wall can withstand a little moisture hence "dri wall", have used bonding before though with no problems.
Ditto, I did a job where I had to remove coving, the tw*t who put it up bleeding peck drilled WALL AND CEILING perimeter to give more "GRAB" !!! Turned into a really crap job :'( , glad I can smile now.
I seem to remember reading that dri wall can withstand a little moisture hence "dri wall", have used bonding before though with no problems.

Dri-wall cant take damp as it just sucks it all up the same as bonding just had to rip a load down on a job because it wasnt drying, it had a wet spot on it for about 2 months had to vandex the wall then reaply the d,n,d. The reason its called dri-wall adhesive is because the whole process of plasterboarding is called dri wall even plasterboard screws are called dri wall screws doesnt mean they are waterproof.
I stand corrected :Ped. There's Gyproc Drywall sealer to use to prevent the drawing of moisture, also states on the bag can be used on moisture resistant boards without prior treatment.
Learn sumat every day.
ive seen bonding mixed with adheisive when we didnt have enough adheisive but never just bonding to stick board!

i dunno if u could or not ? i guess not or no one would buy driwall adheisive just carry bonding :o
id say the benefit of using drywall adhesive is you can dab out a big wall then offer your boards up to it that with bonding and its likely the first bit will be too dry to do anything with...
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