calling all spreads or spreads to be

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New Member
Hello everyone just joining in as experienced plasterer, assessor, lecturer you name it pretty much done it with regards to plastering industry. Just wanted to put myself out there if you have any questions regarding CSCS, OSAT NVQs or just advice/tips.
I am a third generation plasterer whos run my own business and understand the probs yall face can be bloody nightmare.
Please get in touch look forward to comunicating with you. Robospread. :D
Cheers Danny look forward to chewin the fat with ya. Had a browse around the site and you seem to be the man in the know I think its great that you share your knowledge freely. I know so many "old boys" who keep all theyre secrets and tips to themselves like they are untouchable. Refreshing. SPREAD ON!
Thanks Robo,

I dont mind plastering is not a big secret I have learnt a lot from here so I am happy to return the

I may be calling your assistance.


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