busy C.U.Next.Tuesdays, setting the bar for spreads.

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after reading carping post about the 2 bed reskimm. it's a shame he's allowed some busy c..t(the neighbour) to undermine his self worth by quoting for him & dictate the job. i always thought a reskimm for a 2bed house was about 2000-2500 incl mats. i've experienced it a few times when other people(non spreads)that i dont even know, have quoted on my behalf & set the bar for the customer at my expense. then with great diffuculty trying to explain to a customer reskimming an 15m2 artex ceiling is going to take more than 1hr's work. carping,go round to the neighbours house and piss in his letterbox.
yup I am with you on this....

trades should lal be on £150 a day min... why bother training to do it you can get an office job for anything less

try coming to blackpool area and charging 150 you d get laffed out of town sad but true hence as long as my house sale goes thru(under offer) i am hanging my trowel up as the jobs gone and after 30 years im toast
rockhardsolidplastering said:
try coming to blackpool area and charging 150 you d get laffed out of town sad but true hence as long as my house sale goes thru(under offer) i am hanging my trowel up as the jobs gone and after 30 years im toast
what are you gonna do then, something else or retire?
Ballsdeep is from Blackpool too isnt he ?
rockhardsolidplastering said:
try coming to blackpool area and charging 150 you d get laffed out of town sad but true hence as long as my house sale goes thru(under offer) i am hanging my trowel up as the jobs gone and after 30 years im toast
Bruce Willis said:
rockhardsolidplastering said:
try coming to blackpool area and charging 150 you d get laffed out of town sad but true hence as long as my house sale goes thru(under offer) i am hanging my trowel up as the jobs gone and after 30 years im toast
what are you gonna do then, something else or retire?
i m relocating to northumberland and taking over the in laws buisiness 2pet shos est over 20 years and net profit in last 5 years avge about40,000 the sad thing is i cant come anywhere near that as a spread,i have 2 young children and at 47 the years plastering are taking its toll so hopefully i can continue the shops and do into my old age and come home at nite without needing an ice bath.i will keep my tools and equip as you never know but hopefully my new house will be my last my job unless the shops go t i ts
Trouble is plastering in resent years has been turned into a semi skilled job and has become highly competitive for what ever reason ,and no matter how much you try unless you are contracting you will only earn a living . IMO . ;)
i lived abroad for20 years 15 in miami where there was very little interior plastering all exterior and in brisbane aus where again there was no interior just exterior and lets be honest that sorts the men out from the boys and in those places you could command a decent wage perhaps in 20-30 yeqars it may be like that here but for me the time as come sad really, but im lucky i have a sniff of earning a living doing sommat else
hi,lads,i am indeed. i found carping post heartbreaking,if the neighbour would of said 900,it probably wouldn't of made any difference to him as i felt i didn't seem to scan with him,he was being totaly undermined & it's fair enough people saying it's better than being at home doing nothing but i believe carping to be worth more than that. all good spreads are worth it. i cant get my head round more & more people seem to be so dissmissive about plastering,we are realy falling down the food chain. i can't think of anything more impressive than seeing a tihs hole transformed by plastering. it's pure art/craft. it's what makes a house. NAME YA GODDAMM PRICE!!!
rockhardsolidplastering said:
Bruce Willis said:
rockhardsolidplastering said:
try coming to blackpool area and charging 150 you d get laffed out of town sad but true hence as long as my house sale goes thru(under offer) i am hanging my trowel up as the jobs gone and after 30 years im toast
what are you gonna do then, something else or retire?
i m relocating to northumberland and taking over the in laws buisiness 2pet shos est over 20 years and net profit in last 5 years avge about40,000 the sad thing is i cant come anywhere near that as a spread,i have 2 young children and at 47 the years plastering are taking its toll so hopefully i can continue the shops and do into my old age and come home at nite without needing an ice bath.i will keep my tools and equip as you never know but hopefully my new house will be my last my job unless the shops go t i ts

well I hope it works out for you, best of luck.
ballsdeep said:
hi,lads,i am indeed. i found carping post heartbreaking,if the neighbour would of said 900,it probably wouldn't of made any difference to him as i felt i didn't seem to scan with him,he was being totaly undermined & it's fair enough people saying it's better than being at home doing nothing but i believe carping to be worth more than that. all good spreads are worth it. i cant get my head round more & more people seem to be so dissmissive about plastering,we are realy falling down the food chain. i can't think of anything more impressive than seeing a tihs hole transformed by plastering. it's pure art/craft. it's what makes a house. NAME YA GODDAMM PRICE!!!

You do know your talking about carping?
its a shame that it has come to this but I know what you mean.... I now make less money sat clacking away on my laptop than I did plastering but my life is a lot easier and I am actually a little happier.

I have no commitments but in the future I will and plastering just wont support it... my tools have been hung up now for a while.

Good luck rock hard with the house

rockhardsolidplastering said:
why thank you got to get the house sale thru yet that cud be fun in this day if it happens will still come on here trying to convince myself im doing the right thing
seeing as how its your inlaws the business will still be there , dont take a lower price for your house just to get out quick if you know what I mean.
its a combination of a number of things
all these micky mouse courses that have cropped up in years,killing the trade and cheapening it .different techniques ie dib and dob as opposed to float and set work ie less skill factor, the hurry factor meaning no body seem to want to wait for anything nowadays and last but not least knob head builders wanting work done for nothing.
How do you get a viewpoint across in a thread like this without causing offence perhaps. Don't know really but here goes. The majority of plasterers are on the scrapheap in terms of moving with the times and adapting new techniques to meet changing needs in a continually developing world. Look how apple have to update the iPhone to keep ahead of the game and they're on top. Plastering isn't immune to change. To think you can learn the same skills as your dad and they will serve you for life without adapting to change won't get you far today.

It's a shame people fall by the wayside but in a competitive world that's always moving forward if you can't adapt and supply the demand then you sadly will have no business in this business.

With respect it's not a dying trade..... Just look to the continent for plastering systems and techniques which make us lot look like it's still the 50's
owls said:
its a combination of a number of things
all these micky mouse courses that have cropped up in years,killing the trade and cheapening it .different techniques ie dib and dob as opposed to float and set work ie less skill factor, the hurry factor meaning no body seem to want to wait for anything nowadays and last but not least knob head builders wanting work done for nothing.

You forgot to add the main thing and that is the likes of rated and my hammer which breeds cowboys and chancers and thats customers too.
goody said:
How do you get a viewpoint across in a thread like this without causing offence perhaps. Don't know really but here goes. The majority of plasterers are on the scrapheap in terms of moving with the times and adapting new techniques to meet changing needs in a continually developing world. Look how apple have to update the iPhone to keep ahead of the game and they're on top. Plastering isn't immune to change. To think you can learn the same skills as your dad and they will serve you for life without adapting to change won't get you far today.

It's a shame people fall by the wayside but in a competitive world that's always moving forward if you can't adapt and supply the demand then you sadly will have no business in this business.

With respect it's not a dying trade..... Just look to the continent for plastering systems and techniques which make us lot look like it's still the 50's
to be fair mate you speak sence and having lived abroad for 20 years of my life i had to adapt and learn many things iwas doing e.i.f.s.in the late 80s its really only getting going now over here and along with one coat renders and synthetic finishes it is the way forward the problem with most of those finishes are you need men and thats when things can and i stress can not will go wrong, i at 47 have been down that road and dont fancy ir especially over here where its so easy to get knocked and so hard to ger good men.i would of been happy just being a 1 man band plodding away doing any type of plastering as im lucky i can do it but that is no longer about and i dont want to work for bell ends who rob you blind and take the piss ,but you are right stay modern keep up with trends and if possible multi trade
but there's a place for traditional ways as well. i've been getting alot of work recently from a builder who specialises in working on older properties and he's booking in work for next year. i like pottering about, will never be a millionaire but i'm making a living.
I agree since easy money went out the window there has been a sort of resurgence for artisans ie people want quality for the money they spend these days and a lot of jobbers riding on the coat tails of the property boom have rightly fallen away. My point was more about supply and demand in a business sense and how you can't ignore change even if it turns it's back on skill sometimes.
Successful plasterers will diversify or find a niche somehow to keep themselves in demand and stay in business. I've embraced the modern ways and in contrast to the general tone out there at the minute have never been busier. Someone can do the same with traditional. Repackage yourself as an artisan in short supply rather than one of the few 'real' plasterers left in a dying trade. Embrace change whether it be new or old as in any trade or business.
Rant over. :)
goody said:
How do you get a viewpoint across in a thread like this without causing offence perhaps. Don't know really but here goes. The majority of plasterers are on the scrapheap in terms of moving with the times and adapting new techniques to meet changing needs in a continually developing world. Look how apple have to update the iPhone to keep ahead of the game and they're on top. Plastering isn't immune to change. To think you can learn the same skills as your dad and they will serve you for life without adapting to change won't get you far today.

It's a shame people fall by the wayside but in a competitive world that's always moving forward if you can't adapt and supply the demand then you sadly will have no business in this business.

With respect it's not a dying trade..... Just look to the continent for plastering systems and techniques which make us lot look like it's still the 50's

Fair point made , but these new systems you talk of are for external stuff ? I know you are a man of experience Goody but surely you don't think this new systems apart from using long words to describe themselves are not easy to pick up how to do and if they are the future everyone will be doing them ?
the big problem as far as i see it is there just isnt enuff sensible people out there who know what they are doing and are willing to pay for a proper job, it would be easier finding rocking horse poo than finding someone willing to pay top dollar for a top job ,most work nowadays comes from investors buying cheap property and doing them up and its all about money ,no im afraid not for me
Ans programs like Property Ladder, Sarah telling people they can have a 3 bed house skimmed for £1,500.Wonder how many people watched that program and thought, i`ll have some of that.
kebab king said:
Ans programs like Property Ladder, Sarah telling people they can have a 3 bed house skimmed for £1,500.Wonder how many people watched that program and thought, i`ll have some of that.

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh dont blame sarah kebab its not her fault maybe its plastering forums telling any tom dick and harry how to do it and how easy it is also how much they should charge hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)
wonder if we just hit a purple patch and the times we are in now are actually reallity, house prices have gone stupid the governments borrowed too much money so were the ones left paying through the roof for basic stuff with a wage ...........look at timber framed houses why are they being sold for the price of traditional build ? its all pear shaped :-\
a relative just bought a timber framed house and its poo. The wall units have all slipped as they were fitted with wall plugs instead of into a frame.
it mmight of been apurple patch but one thing i know is there are more spreads now than ever before and less work now than ever before,the crazy thing is some people will not of been affected at all by whats goin on and they will just think get off yer arse and get to work
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