Business effect of loosing Green Deal

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New Member
I am very interested to know your views on the loss of the Green Deal.

Has it effected business badly?

Are people still buying EWI?

How do you incentivise people to buy EWI without Green Deal?

Do you cut margins to the bone to get the deal?
The loss of green deal hasn't effected us,
You incentivise people by explaining the benefits of it.
And the rating of 5% vat is a good one , I have never cut any margin.
Im busier than ever with ewi since greendeal has gone.
Obviously companies who wentvthrough the gd process would be vunrable from funders pulling out. Closing down etc
I'm glad it has seems there are now hundreds maybe thousands of company's set up for these deals.
Most probably run by guys in suits paying subbies s**t wages
The small rendering company's not involved in the green deal suffers how probably turn out a better job than these people as we don't sub work out
I'm glad it has seems there are now hundreds maybe thousands of company's set up for these deals.
Most probably run by guys in suits paying subbies s**t wages
The small rendering company's not involved in the green deal suffers how probably turn out a better job than these people as we don't sub work out
True that
Thanks guys its good to know that smaller companies are doing ok without it.
There is a lot to be said about smaller companies being able to provide a quality service and not just churning them out using subbies on low wages, which can sometimes lead to low quality work.
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