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Skimmed chimney breast today after I WBA'd it yesterday. Put on 1st coat and it had these lumps everywhere! I know they usually go after second coat but They were a fu**ing nightmare to get rid off >:(


What causes these to be so bad? Is it something to do with the WBA?

Anyway, as u can see I got rid of the bar stools ;D

just wait a little longer in between 1st & 2nd coats flattern it twice if nessersary if you get rid of the pimples before you 2nd coat they will not come back.
I have only used wbs a few times but have not had any problems with bubbles, looking at the bead I can see that first coat is very thick so as church says just let it sit and go off a little trowel them out then second coat....

Rich x
also if you give it water to early this could also be the problem young lad who works for me is always flicking water at it onits first trowel and this is always the outcome
whats rong with it you just carnt spead when you get your next job mate give me a call 8) sho u how it don
walltowall said:
whats rong with it you just carnt spead when you get your next job mate give me a call 8) sho u how it don

How's your wife and my kids? U wanna learn how to spell ya thick re***d!!!

....And stop sending me private messages!!! I'm not into all that G** stuff! Cock head.
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