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Well-Known Member
Only did a floor screed today for  a builder, first time ive done anything for him , cant belive it he turn up at 2oclock just as we were finishing and payed me in cash and in full ..... just cant belive it :o still cant.... ive checked all the notes aswell
did you check for damp/loose concrete before you started...any dead bodies??
Didnt think of that... maybe come to think of it he didnt stick around for long and didnt say much then he drove off in a range rover "57" plate td5 but in my defence there was celotex covering the oversite ... hope that stands up in court ;)
I've had a couple of builders like that, it means you don't have to declare it to the tax man and they can get a good day rate. ;D
I've had a couple of builders like that, it means you don't have to declare it to the tax man and they can get a good day rate. ;D
its great gettin paid cash....what you have to remember is that in business, to pay cash (i.e hide it from the taxman) you first have to take cash as good nipping down the bank and drawing out cash to pay the lads and not puttting anything on paper for em cos as soon as the taxman looks at the withdrawal he's gonna go 'wots this for then'....always a paper trail...
if you get paid cash, keep hold of it. pay all bills through the bank...
so, anyone who's willin to pay you cash is usually pretty good to work for cos it means theyre as dodgy as you!! if not more so!
down side of that is they might not pay you at which case you have no comeback...people can legally say 'i only asked you to do the work, i didnt say i was gonna pay you x amount' invoice, no receipt - no proof...
you gotta be a little bit careful...
day rate is a good one to be on if its cash, more chance of gettin paid, go in a bit cheaper and theyll fire you more work....its the gaffers problem where he finds the cash not yours...i.e its him that'll get shafted off the taxman, they cant prove you were paid the cash, all you gotta say is 'werent me?'...
You've always have a risk of not getting paid, a cheque can always bounce and then you have to go back and try and get payment, not something l'd like to have to do
im just not used to being payed that quickly 3-4 weeks is the norm :'( anyway the price i gave him over the phone was for a cheque £370 . i was just surprized he paid that quick and didnt try to knock me down :o
could just be a good decent all round decent british roast beef loving decent british wasnt ayeup patell i'll bet that much... :D
must be the weather we got paid yesterday of a builder hadnt even started cleaning up
tell ya one thing church my policy is jobs done want paying forget waiting weeks for payment,in fact last year rendered the outside of a shop opposite a pub local p*ssed up fella says to us ,ya know what you you lads want to do is get the job done,draw,and f*ck off, must admit words well said and still use that saying to date
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