Brookes UK Competition Winner

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The first of our competitions is now closed, and whilst you're all winners in our eyes, there is actually only one of you who gets a prize. That lucky devil is...

John Reynolds of Acorn Plastering Services.

Well done there John, those marvellous Helly Hansen Ashford trousers will be on their way to you very soon.

We'll be doing more and more with Plasterers Forum in the future, but in the mean time if you need any advice on workwear or things of that nature drop me a message and I can help you out.

Thanks to everyone who entered!
Its stolen stilton, I'll text him and let him know cus I don't know when he'll be on next. You'd better hope you stock them trousers with a 72" leg!!
says the man who wears pregnant lady dungarees to work but tries to hide it by putting the straps up his arse lol
What is his username on here?

That would be handy to know :)

Stolen Stilton it would appear from reading here! John didn't supply his username in the competition entry. Not to worry, something to think about for next time.
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