Brick work

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New Member
How do you stop the brick work showing after you render, done a job there last week scratch coat then rubbed up everything went well , back this week to do a bit of inside work and had look at my work previous and you could nearly count every block. what the reason for this? anyone :-/
Only scratched it the day before mate so still bit green , the guy im doing this for always in big rush he wanted it scratch one finished the next day,as soon as i finished rubbing top there starting to take the scaffold down . Dont think the top coat fully dried out yet would this cause the blocks to show?
Thats one of the most common ways rendering goes bad :( When the scratch coat havent cured it has a tendancy to crack and in more severe occassions completley blow off and go hollow i would always recomend a scratch coat is left at least 48 hrs before top coat. you might be lucky and nothing happens but i personally have had bad experiances when topcoating the next day :(
did you soak your block work in? and use waterproofer in your scratch coat? sounds to me the blocks are pulling the moisture out of your render to quick? you might be going on to tight with your coats.
Yes lad soaked the blocks first then waterproofer scratch coat then morter mix top coat , i give them 2 good coats, they werent tight anyway.
how long had the blocks being set mate mate were they still green ?
3:1 scratch coat 4:1 top coat , what ratio do you apply steve ,the walls where built bout a week before i got to them nicksey lad
in this weather there could be a chance the mortar used in the blockwork was still green ...tbh mate im not too sure if it'll affect the final finish when painted or not ?.......the only other reason i know off is laying your gear on too tight or one coating
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