boxing round r.s.j

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New Member
need some help .gotta do two jobs where they have knocked two rooms in to one and have had r.s.j s put in any tips or advice on boxing this or how you do it will be great .thanks
Yeah like danny says nogin out with a bit of batten. Then for the head i usually stick with gripfill or pinkgrip, as i think dri-wall adhesive has problems sticking to steel, well thats what ive been told.
thanks for that guys great help i thought about noggins as i have done small ones above doors like that before but wasnt sure about the flat side of the you rek pink grip will do the job??have you used it before???
Pink grip is the nuts! I usually score and fold one piece of board round rsj's, try to wedge it up with deadmen for a couple of hours as well.
Everytime we've came across RSJs its always been fireline, must be building regs. Better safe than sorry.
we never need 2 bond 2 steel as when nogin out steel then add battons to the timber and over hang them so u can screw board to the inder side..or even make a frame to the steel?
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