Boxing in steel beams

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New Member
The old building company i used to work for always hilti nailed slate latts to the beams, then fireboarded them.

Now i'm on my own i can't see the point in buying a hilti nailer for a seldom occuring task. Other plasterers i have spoken to have mentioned painting thistle bond-it on to the steels, then dabbing boards on to them.

I this right? If not can you think of an alternative?

Fix a piece of timber to the ceiling, tight to the steel, the full length of the steel, fix your plasterboard to this hanging below the steel. Do this on both sides of the steel then fix a timber to the inside edge of the plasterboard the full length of the board on both pieces then fix the soffet board to the pieces of wood, job done hope ive explained it well but i doubt it lol
Fix a piece of timber to the ceiling, tight to the steel, the full length of the steel, fix your plasterboard to this hanging below the steel. Do this on both sides of the steel then fix a timber to the inside edge of the plasterboard the full length of the board on both pieces then fix the soffet board to the pieces of wood, job done hope ive explained it well but i doubt it lol

double thumbs up from me there matey
Fix a piece of timber to the ceiling, tight to the steel, the full length of the steel, fix your plasterboard to this hanging below the steel. Do this on both sides of the steel then fix a timber to the inside edge of the plasterboard the full length of the board on both pieces then fix the soffet board to the pieces of wood, job done hope ive explained it well but i doubt it lol

thats the way I do it :-)
yeah you can use no nails gripfill,pink grip,sticks all, there are tonnes of makes around.or i like to use fixing foam to stick the nogins in similiar to expanding foam but doesnt expand, just goes rock hard.
make sure you double board any steel beams in fireline to give it an hour fire rating to meet regs.
Double fire lined with staggered joints and the first layer the joints taped and filled but unless the building inspector is watching you dont worry about the tape and jointing ;)
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