Bounced cheques

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Any you guys had this problem. Had two this month, not big amounts but a ball ache all the same. Looking at getting a debit card machine and stop taking cheques, anyone recommend a good provider.
Yep, had one for £1200 last year. Nice young lady employed me to remove a plaster lath ceiling, plate and skim, take rubble away (38 bags btw!). I had to go to her work and stalk her. She used every excuse in the book, death in the family, blah blah. Took me a week to get cash. No more cheques accepted since! So much for tax dodges eh? People can't even honour a fookin cheque! that's why you should INSIST on cash. ;)
Tell them to pay by BACS. I do. Who has time to go to a bank and put a cheque in? Not me.
TonyM said:
Tell them to pay by BACS. I do. Who has time to go to a bank and put a cheque in? Not me.

One builder I worked for agreed to this, sound, money in bank straight away.
Another builder I'm working for at the mo I've worked for for years on & off & he only pays by cheque
& will not pay BACS. He reckons it looks like your on his books if he does ???
Nisus said:
He reckons it looks like your on his books if he does ???

That's b*ll***s. What is he going to do in a couple of years when cheques are totally phased out?
Exactly ;)

Well im done with him now anyway mate he's taking the p1ss with everyone at the mo so as a subbie I'm off ;D
keep getting texts from a Nigerian firm based in Liverpool who want me 2 accept
payment by c.card. No kidding, I'll give u their webby if u dont believe
irish_spread said:
keep getting texts from a Nigerian firm based in Liverpool who want me 2 accept
payment by c.card. No kidding, I'll give u their webby if u dont believe
A Nigerian firm from Liverpool?!!!
don't know about you guys but most people i work for now have internet access so i try to get them to pay me direct ---through bank to bank transfer----which they can do with internet banking

most payments can arrive same day if done before 2pm (i think?)

no messing around waiting for cheques to clear ---no carrying them round for days trying to bank them!

still get a few but difficult to insist and upset customer

martinemj said:
don't know about you guys but most people i work for now have internet access so i try to get them to pay me direct ---through bank to bank transfer----which they can do with internet banking

most payments can arrive same day if done before 2pm (i think?)

no messing around waiting for cheques to clear ---no carrying them round for days trying to bank them!

still get a few but difficult to insist and upset customer


The payment will arrive almost instantly if both banks operate the Faster Payment System. Otherwise it can take up to 3 days. Still saves time trekking to a bank.
Casper said:
Yep, had one for £1200 last year. Nice young lady employed me to remove a plaster lath ceiling, plate and skim, take rubble away (38 bags btw!). I had to go to her work and stalk her. She used every excuse in the book, death in the family, blah blah. Took me a week to get cash. No more cheques accepted since! So much for tax dodges eh? People can't even honour a (german word)in cheque! that's why you should INSIST on cash. ;)
£1200 rip off
If you get them to do a bank to bank TX, what info do you have to give them?? May be I'm a bit out of time with all this but at the very least you would have to give you account number and sort code to a complete stranger ??? how safe is this ??? before you answer this guy,s remember! theres no such thing as a stupid question?? especially when it comes to money!!
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