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New Member

When im using a bag of bonding on a bad surface, i always mix a bit of finish in with the mix. This gives a nicer smoother finish and it feels a bit nicer to use. But it also helps the bonding go off a bit faster, which is handy if you need to coat it with finish on the same day.
But sometimes it still takes an age to dry, and i have to come back the next day to finish it.
I have a mate who adds a little amount of lime powder to his bonding, which makes it go off like a rocket, apparently, but i have never tried it.

Has anyone else used lime in their bonding?
Or have any other methods for it to go off faster without jeapordising the bond?

Worked with Danny the other day and he put cement in. Enough to turn the colour. It worked.
That said we needed about a handful and the labourer did a whole bucket!!
It's all Danny's fault if it goes wrong!
If it works I'll accept the praise on his behalf of course! ;)
I use it all the time, whether I am sticking beads up or repairing holes.

Time is money and with all recent jobs aside I personally hate hanging around.

mixing up in dirty water will also help it to go off quicker ;)

Yup i do that too sometimes, but if the bonding im mixing is the first mix of the day then i dont have any dirty water.
I will try a bit of cement in with the mix next time, and compare it to adding lime powder and get back with my scientific results. :D
start with one handful of cement in your mix first. You can get a feel for how quickly it sets the bonding off then and on your next mix apply the cement accordingly ;)
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