bonding to block

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External pva, is it ok to use on new block before first coat and pebble dash top? Thanks.franco.
On new block work I'd say a light wet down first before your scratch coat. Never heard of external pva?? I'd only use SBR on exterior work but defo not on new block work unless it's those awful thermalites then I'd micro them
I take it scudding is'nt that popular in the UK.The first thing i do is scud a house inside and outside.
Even normal blocks. The key is good enough without scud, just keep the fist coat soft enough that it goes into the holes of the blockwork.
I don't scud when I don't have to.
Have you ever tried hacking sand and cement render off a block? No need the key is there just get the gear soft like what's been said but add a water proofer to control the suction for your top coat.
This time of year and near Christmas I normally just add 2 mince pies to every bucket of water per mix , and nats cock of double cream just to make things go smoothly. Make sure you use Mr Kiplings otherwise it doesn't work.
This time of year and near Christmas I normally just add 2 mince pies to every bucket of water per mix , and nats cock of double cream just to make things go smoothly. Make sure you use Mr Kiplings otherwise it doesn't work.
You forgot the cranberry sauce ffs:hueco:
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